Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Aleph as Ox Head

What follows is an interesting email communication in which a reader of Just Genesis shares his thoughts. He also stresses the need for further research on the connection between ancient Hebrew and the symbolism of the ancient Nilo-Saharans.

Hello, Alice

I looked at your blog on the ox figures and I want to state that I can only give you my own opinion, for there are still holes that need to be filled in my research concerning this. One thing I do know is the aleph is an ox head. It is the beginning letter.

It means first, strength, ox..... How important this symbol was to the ancient people I have not uncovered. I see a lot of kemet symbols using the ox and I know the ancient Ebry teachings and people came from Africa, so there is definitely a connection.

You mentioned the Apiru people in your article. I want to state that hebrew is a word but you will not find it in scriptures because Ebry refers to specific statements the name Eber holds. Hebrew has another meaning. I am working on a pdf that will explain it. I am going through tribal languages showing commonality the root letters have between Africa and Ebry. The definitions the name Eber has reflects in the tribal language and more. It is new revelation to us average people, but it has always been present. It need to be investigated further.


In my opinion it all started around the Sudan area. Many tribes came together and formed a government. This is true for kemet as well as Yshral who assembled later before going out. Yshral formed probably behind political and social status ills affecting them in their day. They were the ancient equivalent to the U.S pilgrims. They were likely the outcaste, slaves and common people who were overly oppressed by the government. A lot, if uncovered, will have to do with religious stand points.

Letter symbols

The Y is that of the forearm. The taw as I use in my name "x" stands for sign or mark.

Here is something to think about. Tahuti was a scribe or writer creating signs. Even the "t" in ebry alphabet is similar. Which brings up the subject of pronunciation. "T" may actually suppose to be "Th" as the ancient pronunciation of tahuti (dhwty). The "t" and "d" are interchangable.


Note: there is no such thing as a semitic ethnic group. What people base the notion off of is an assumption which I can prove to be an error by going through the African languages showing what the word really represents. Sem is the noble, honorary people having a good name or character. They are revered as elders.

It all goes back to understanding the Architypes Shem, Cham and Yphet concept and their role in the system.

There is so much that needs to be explored concerning the Ebry culture as a whole.

If I find any more info about the aleph I will pass it along to you.

Best regards



This is fascinating! I agree that the point of origin appears to be Sudan at a time when the Sahara was wet and the Nile much wider.

It is clear to me also that we have much more research to do to get below the surface of the linguistic connections between the Nilo-Saharan ancestors of Abraham and his people.

The A or ox head symbol would also represent the Creator who is given first place, or assigned the value of one, among the ancient Nilo-Saharans. This is reflected in Shema Yisrael: "Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is one."

The Y represents the Creator's appointed or overshadowed ruler/chief. So we have these rulers: Yishmael, Yitzak, Yacob, Yisrael, Yaqtan, Yosef, Yeshua, etc. You note the connection to the X (Tau). This connection (interchange) is evident in the Old North Arabian scripts. Thamudic is one example. Here is an excellent paper on this subject:

Approximately 11000 Thalmudic inscriptions have been found scattered from Syria to Yemen. Similar inscriptions have been identified along the Nile in Sudan. These are accompanied by petroglyphs of humans and oxen with circles and spirals. Ox and cattle skulls were placed at the pan graves of the Nilo-Saharans.The cemetery near Hosh el-Guruf included 90 closely packed stone circles. The covered shafts were circular and lined with stones, a typical feature of the pan graves of Nilo-Saharan nobility. Pan Grave cemeteries have been found at a number of sites in Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia. Excavations at Kerma have uncovered a walled town surrounding a monumental mud-brick temple. In a royal cemetery to the east, four massive grave tumuli contained several hundred human remains. The remains were surrounded by thousands of cattle skulls.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. The research you are doing is very important. If I can help in any way, please let me know.

Best wishes,

Alice C. Linsley

Related reading: Why cows were sacred in the ancient world; Nilotic cattle herders; The bull's head in antiquity; Reality is cross shaped; Recovering the African background of Genesis; Old North Arabian Scripts

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