
Friday, April 12, 2024

Learn About the Early Hebrew


Dr. Alice C. Linsley

The application of kinship analysis, a tool of cultural anthropology, has proven extremely useful in identifying the features of the social structure of the biblical Hebrew, the ruler-priest caste that believed in the Father God who has a son and whose Spirit generates life. Understanding their social structure sheds light on many of the more difficult passages of Scripture. Therefore, I recommend my book "The First Lords of the Earth: An Anthropological Study" (Amazon).
Chapters 1 and 2 explain the empirical, data gathering method of Biblical Anthropology.
Chapters 3-5 present what is known about the early Hebrew (4000-2000 BC), drawing on the available data. Specifically, these chapters look at the Hebrew caste and moiety system, the oldest known site of Hebrew worship along the Nile, and what the Hebrew believed.
Chapter 6 clarifies that the social structure of the early Hebrew was not patriarchal, as is often claimed, and chapters 7-13 demonstrate the gender balance of their social structure using the biblical data.

I was able to make a rather complex subject easy to understand. I hope you will buy the book and discover answers to some questions, such as:

  • Was the social structure of the biblical Hebrew patriarchal?
  • Who were the Horite Hebrew and the Sethite Hebrew?
  • Where is the oldest known site of Horite Hebrew worship?
  • Were the Hebrew in Canaan before Abraham's time?
  • Why did many high-status Hebrew men have two wives?
  • What was the difference in status between wives and concubines?
  • What types of authority did the biblical Hebrew recognize?
  • How did the Hebrew acute observation of the order of creation inform their reasoning?
  • If Judaism is NOT the faith of the early Hebrew, what did they believe?

I hope you will find the book helpful and informative. The sequel describes the lives of the "First Ladies of the Earth" and will be available in August 2024.

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