Monday, December 5, 2011

Kushite Kings and the Kingdom of God

Alice C. Linsley

The origin of the words Kain/Kenan/Canaan/Kenite is originally Nilotic and the name is found among extant African tribes. Related are the words "kente" (cloth worn by Akan /Ashante rulers), kenten (cloth basket); Kenya (the country); and the Kenem, Kanembu and Kenton tribes of Nigeria, and the Kana-kuru and Kanuri who live in Adam-awa and Bor-no (Land of Noah). There are many other peoples in west central Africa with names related to Kenan. Many of these peoples originated in the Nile Valley and migrated westward. Some migrated eastward into Arabia and as far as India, Siam and Nepal.

In Nepal, approximately 30,000 Sarki live in a province called SetiSarki and seti are both Kushite words. The original name of Kush was Ta-Seti. A Kushite tribe of Central Asia was called Kushana. The Kushan of China were called Ta-Yuehti. I explore the Kushite-Kushan connection here.

Among Kushitic peoples sarki means ruler. Among Chadic peoples gon mean ruler. Thus the Akkadian Sar-gon represents a double royal title. In Nigeria the Kano Kings are called sarki. Kano is another word related to Kain/Kenan/Kenite/Canaanite.

Another interesting connection is the Kandahar dialect of Pakistan/Afghanistan, which has Tir-hari as a principal dialect. Tir is a form of the name Tiras, mentioned in Genesis 10 and hari is a form of hor/horite/horim. The Sarki of Nepal belong to a larger ethnic group called Pa-hari.

The words Khan and Kandake (Candace in English Bibles) are also related and refer to rulers. The name Khan, meaning ruler/chief, is a common surname among many who speak languages of Central Asia, specifically Pashto, Urdu, Farsi, and Hindi. The Kushites who built kingdoms across the Afro-Asiatic Dominion left the world a legacy of great rulers, including Nimrod (Sargon the Great) and Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan’s name is more accurately spelled Činggis Qaγan and Qayan is the Arabic spelling of Kain.

Genghis Khan's first-born son was named Jochi which is the equivalent of Joktan, the name of Abraham's first-born son. Genghis Khan married a woman of the Olkut’Hun, meaning the Hun tribe. Ogur Hun means the Hun clan or the Hun community of Og. The word ogur means clan, community or tribe and appears to be equivalent to the Pashto, orkut, meaning community. So, the words ogur, orkut and olkut seem to be cognates and probably Indo-Pakistani. The word Og is found in Genesis also. Og was one of the three clans in the Og, Magog, Gog Horite confederation.

It is easy to see how the Altaic Mongolian-Korean connection came to be once we make the connection between the Nilotic Horites of the ancient world and Genghis Khan's people. A distinctive marriage and ascendency pattern drove Kushite expansion out of the Nile Valley.

My research into the genealogical material in Genesis involves analysis of the Horite kinship pattern whereby the rulers had two wives and at least two concubines. The first wife was a half-sister and the second wife was a patrilineal cousin or niece. The marriages of firstborn sons contributed to the diffusion of Horite religion. The firstborn son of the half-sister wife ascended to the throne of his biological father. The firstborn son of the patrilineal cousin or niece bride ascended to the throne of his maternal grandfather. All other sons were given gifts of camels, jewelry, flocks, herds and servants and sent away. Sent-away sons moved away from the territories of their fathers and established new territories.

The ancient Nilo-Saharan kings were believed to be appointed by the Creator whose emblem was the Sun. This is why many of the Biblical rulers names have the Canaanite Y, a solar cradle indicating that the ruler has been overshadowed, a sign of divine appointment. All pharaohs were believed to be "sons of the Sun" (Ra-mes) generated by Horus, the "Son of Ra" born to the virgin queen Hathor-Meri. She is shown on ancient monuments with the long horns of the Acholi cow upon her head.

The importance of this marriage pattern as a driving factor in Kushite expansion should not be overlooked. It is important also in understanding the divine Son, Jesus Christ. He who had the power and the right to live immortally in communion with the Father, set aside His power and right (kenosis) and became mortal that He might redeem a people for Himself and establish an eternal kingdom.

Related reading: Kushite WivesThe Afro-Asiatic Dominion; The Peoples of Canaan; Genghis Khan: Last Afro-Asiatic Kingdom Builder; Kushite Kingdom Building; The Migration of Abraham's Ancestors; Binary Distinctions and Kenosis; The Urheimat of the Canaanite Y


  1. Lived in Tajik and Punjabi tribal areas in my time. Pashtu is the way most English speakers using italic block letters spell the language. Is quite difficult to "convert" modern arabic "script" into the language we call Inglés.

  2. Lon, that's fascinating!

    I lived in Isfahan, Iran for 13 months and was able to observe the Lurs, the Qashqaie and the Bakhtiyari. Qashqaie women riding camels dressed in full multi-colored skirts is quite a sight! I found the poverty in Luristan to be as depressing as the poverty I saw in India.

  3. Do you know Why ,Ziporah the wife of Moses was called kushite wife in Bible? She was Kenite ( Canaanite?) Also Refaim the Amorites belong to clan of OG?

  4. Moses had two wives, as was the common practice of the Horite Hebrew rulers. Zipporah was his second wife, a patrilineal cousin. The first wife was his half-sister and Kushite. Amram's clan was Kushite, although the term "Kushite" includes many groups of people. See these articles:
