Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Antecedents of Judaism

Alice C. Linsley

Judaism is a relatively new religion. I say that as one who studies culture traits with a duration of over 90,000 years. The faith system of Judaism is the elaboration of rabbinic thought over 3000 years, though it claims Abraham as its founder. By doing so, it gains an additional 1000 years of mythical history.

Dr. Shaye Cohen's portrayal of Abraham in this NOVA interview perpetuates the myth and yet Rabbi Cohen acknowledges that there is no historical basis for claiming Abraham as the first Jew. When asked if Abraham was the first Jew, Dr. Cohen responded, "The biblical narrative gets going with Abraham in Genesis chapter 12. Abraham in turn Isaac, in turn Jacob, in turn Joseph and the twelve tribes, this brings us directly to the people of Israel and the covenant at Sinai. So Abraham is thought of as the first Jew, the archetype."

The central narratives of Judaism surround the person of Moses, the Exodus, and the Law. The bulk of this material dates to the Neo-Babylonian Period (c.850-250 BC). The narrative is further developed by centuries of rabbinic writings.

Rabbis admit that Judaism is shaped by the Talmud, the writings of renown rabbis.

Often these writings conflict with the data of the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Talmud is a collection of rabbinic writings that are often ambiguous to the point of being useless. Consider this statement by Rabbi Johanan about when Messiah will appear: “The son of David will come only in a generation that is either altogether righteous or altogether wicked. (Sanhedrin 98a)
Jerusalem Talmud days to 300 BC, and the Babylonian Talmud to 100 BC. Both the Jerusalem (Yerushalmi) Talmud (also called the Palestinian Talmud) and the Babylonian (Babli) Talmud underwent redaction over the centuries. They appear to have become stable about 400 A.D.

The Babylonian Talmud acknowledges that Jesus was born to Mary and calls her "Charia" which means dung or excrement. In the Babylonian Talmud Jesus is called "Jeschu" which means May his name and memory be blotted out. Sanhedrin 106a acknowledges Mary's royal ancestry but calls her a whore. “She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters.”
In the Talmud Jesus is portrayed as illegitimate, as a fool, a conjurer, and a seducer. After his crucifixion he was buried and sent to hell. His followers are presented as idolaters deserving of death.

Nazareth was the home of the eighteenth division of Horite Hebrew priests, that of Happizzez (1 Chron. 24:15). I Chronicles 4:4 lists Hur (Hor) as the "father of Bethlehem."


  1. There are numerous words in the Ibibio language that have the same direct or close meaning in Hebrew. For instance, eyin, means eye in Ibibio. Essene means foreign. Essene owo means foreigner or stranger. owo means person. Ima means love. Mma mesans mother, etc.

  2. These Ibibio words and their Hebrew correlations are derived from more primitive roots among the Proto-Saharans whose range extended from the Atlantic coast of modern Nigeria to the Nile Valley during the African Wet Period.
