Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saving Noah

Did Noah's ship land here? 
Ar-meni or Har-meni means Mountain of Menes.
Har-mini or Er-mune means Mountain of the Moon.

Noah and the Voice of Silence
July 2014 presentation by David Robbins given at the annual conference of the American Scientific Affiliation in Hamilton, Ontario.


"Genesis portrays a global flood covering the highest mountains and destroying every living land creature. Geological discoveries undercut the premise well over a century ago. Nor is there evidence from scientific fields, and no indisputable Ark evidence is known. Is “Noah” just a story, or is another view possible? Catastrophes affecting PPN and Neolithic peoples in the Holocene are not a good match. Given that civilization development in the Fertile Crescent seems continuous, historical floods seem local or regional. Headline discoveries of Burckle Crater and Madagascar chevrons spurred speculation of mega-tsunamis and Flood connections. But Oman is an effective barrier, and Holocene sediments in Iraq lack tsunami deposits and glauconite. Translation of ancient Sumerian texts and discovery of ancient flood sediments provide compelling parallels to Genesis given license for ancient editorial errors or paradigms. A major flood inundated ancient Shuruppak, between the Euphrates and Tigris, around 2900 BC. Records link Noah, and ancient epics say he floated down the Euphrates on a barge as far as modern-day Bahrain, a distance of ~450 miles. Considering clustered, worldwide flood and fire catastrophe “myths” and an Indian Ocean meteor strike contributing rain possibly co-occurring with flood deposits, the real story of Noah may be emerging. The picture is not complete. Noah has been both revered and disparaged with tension between biblical teaching and the known world. But the Noahdic lessons of righteousness, judgment, and mercy are central to the Christian faith and instructional to a sinful world. A reconciling voice encourages seeking."--David Robbins

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Alice C. Linsley

Noah escaped the flood of his era only to be drowned by modern speculation. This scientist concludes that the scientific evidence does not align with the Biblical data. That is because he has failed to take the Biblical data as his starting point. Had he begun with the assumption that Genesis 4, 5, and 10 contain accurate information, he would have to accept that Nimrod was a son of Kush. Kush is the Nile Valley. That is where Nimrod's ancestors lived during the Neolithic Subpluvial (African Humid Period), and that is where Noah lived in the region of Lake Chad.

Further, there is only one place on the surface of the earth where the people claim the land to be that of Noah, that is Borno in the region of Lake Chad. The word has a double meaning: "Land of Noah" and "Flood of Noah" (the Dinka/Nuer word for flood is "bor"). Climate studies and anthropological studies of the rulers of this region confirm a time of flooding. It is also known that Proto-Saharan rulers kept personal menageries, as Noah did. The oldest known zoological collection was found during the 2009 excavations at Nekhen on the Nile. The royal menagerie dates to about 3500 BC and included hippos, elephants, baboons and wildcats. Noah likely kept a menagerie which he would have protected in the time of flood.

Molecular genetics also confirms the Biblical data that points to the cradle of modern languages being between Lake Chad (Noah's homeland) and the Nile Valley. See this from the European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication 26 March 2014; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2014.41

Y-chromosome E haplogroups: their distribution and implication to the origin of Afro-Asiatic languages and pastoralism

Eyoab I Gebremeskel and Muntaser E Ibrahim

Archeological and paleontological evidences point to East Africa as the likely area of early evolution of modern humans. Genetic studies also indicate that populations from the region often contain, but not exclusively, representatives of the more basal clades of mitochondrial and Y-chromosome phylogenies. Most Y-chromosome haplogroup diversity in Africa, however, is present within macrohaplogroup E that seem to have appeared 21 000–32 000 YBP somewhere between the Red Sea and Lake Chad. The combined analysis of 17 bi-allelic markers in 1214 Y chromosomes together with cultural background of 49 populations displayed in various metrics: network, multidimensional scaling, principal component analysis and neighbor-joining plots, indicate a major contribution of East African populations to the foundation of the macrohaplogroup, suggesting a diversification that predates the appearance of some cultural traits and the subsequent expansion that is more associated with the cultural and linguistic diversity witnessed today. The proto-Afro-Asiatic group carrying the E-P2 mutation may have appeared at this point in time and subsequently gave rise to the different major population groups including current speakers of the Afro-Asiatic languages and pastoralist populations.

At the time Noah lived, Nilotic rulers were building large boats out of גפר (gofer/gopher) wood, as described in Genesis 6:4. The word gofer refers to reeds and is used in reference to the basket made by Moses mother (Exodus 2:3). The Schocken Bible reads: "Make yourself an Ark of gofer wood, with reeds make the Ark...", Vol. I, p. 35. Noah's boat probably looked like this.

Before Noah, one of his ancestors Cain married the daughter of a Proto-Saharan ruler named Enoch/Anock. Cain established his territory in the region of Nod. Nod (נוד) and Nok (נוך) are virtually identical in the Hebrew and are related to the words Enock/Anock/Anakim/Anu/Hanoch. Cain was a sent-away son who went to the territory of Nod/Enoch which was "east" or "quimat" of Eden. Quimat is not a Hebrew word. The word is qma and it means place of bulrushes in Ancient Egyptian. This suggests the Nile, the same place where Moses was hidden by his mother among the bulrushes in a reed basket.

When we look in the right place geographically, the data of science and the data of Scripture align perfectly.


  1. Any thoughts on what the great sins the Nilotic people were committing that provoked God to do this?

  2. To cause 500 year of wetness in the Sahara?

    All human populations commit the same sins. When it comes to sinful behavior there isn't anything new under the Sun.

    There is a tendency in the Biblical narratives to view catastrophic events experienced by the Jews and their Horim as divine punishment. This is the voice of the Deuteronomist, a final hand on the Old Testament.

  3. Sumerian, Elamite, Ancient Egyptian, Dravidian, Old Arabic (Dedanite) have linguistic connections, but Sumerian = Classical Arabic is oversimplification.

  4. So is this claim that Gilgamesh was originally written in Early Classical Arabic an example of Islamic overreach/propaganda?

  5. פר (gofer/gopher) not Hebrew word
    gufa Euphrates/Tigris cup/coracle
    suph Hebrew reeds
    teba Hebrew basket/ark
    tepa India coracle

    Noah did not sail a ship, nor paddle a boat, he floated in a barge/barq/ark, as did baby Moses & baby Sargon, going with the currents & breezes

    Sumerian preceded Akkadian and Arabic, both of which may have been provincial dialects like Spanish & French were to Latin.

    Interesting articles:

  6. Gilgamesh and the Biblical story of Noah are not related. This hypothesis has been doubted from the beginning. Both accounts have a hero and a flood, and that's it.

    G-fer could also have a Nilotic origin. Fer means "house" in Ancient Egyptian. See this for some idea of what the 'G' gyph might have meant: Rudder? Place where Captain sits?


  8. Alice,

    Does the Book of Jubilees contradict the Bible in reference to the location of the Garden of Eden? Chapter 8 in the Book of Jubilees describes the inheritances of Noah's three sons in reference to the Garden of Eden, especically Shem and Ham where Shem's land is to the East of the Garden of and Ham's land is to the West. With reference locations such as the mountain range of Rafa, the Tina river, and the
    sea of Me'at, the information that I have researched does not place the Garden of Eden in West Central Africa. Do you think that the location of the Garden of Eden may have shifted over time? It is my opinion that the Garden of Eden might have been an etimology of the expanse of the Kushite ruled/occupied territories with its origins in West Central Africa.

  9. The Book of Jubilees represents late midrash on the much older material found in Genesis. It is only about 2300 years old. The oldest material in Genesis, represented by the King Lists, dates to about 4000 years ago.

    "Eden" is derived from the Nilo-Saharan word "egan" meaning virgin forest. This was a huge area according to Genesis 3, extending from the wet, forested Sahara to the Tigris-Euphrates Valley.
