Hierogylphic Luwian Inscription found at Pancarli Hoyuk
Alice C. Linsley
Eberhard Zangger is the head of the international non-profit organization Luwian Studies based in Zurich, Switzerland. He believes that the Luwians were the "Sea People" who destroyed the Hittite Empire 3200 years ago and were also responsible for destabilising the Egyptian New Kingdom. Read more here.
The Luwian populations are called by various names: Luwian or Luian or Luwi. During the Hellenistic Period they were known to inhabit Lycia, Cilicia Aspera, and Crete, which is why they are considered by some to be the "Sea People" to which many Biblical and extra-Biblical texts refer.
Zangger believes the Luwian aggression explains the enigmatic and quick disappearance of many Bronze Age civilizations in the eastern Mediterranean during a period of about 50 years around 1200 BC. This is the conventional explanation of the Bronze Age collapse, but the identity of the Sea People continues to elude scholars.
The Hittites were kinsmen of the Horite Hebrew. Genesis 23 recounts how Abraham the Habiru ruler of Edo/Edom did business with Hittites. Here the Hittites are designated the "sons" of Heth/Het (Gen. 23:2-11) and one of the clans of Canaan (Gen. 10:15). They recognize Abraham as their kinsmen, addressing him as "a great prince among us" (Gen. 23:6).
The clan of Het lived near Kirtiath-Arba or Hebron (Genesis 23:3,7), at the northern boundary of Abraham's territory. This was the location of Sarah's settlement. Here Abraham purchased a cave tomb for Sarah's burial.
It is evident that the Hittites were widely dispersed, from Canaan to the kingdom of Khatti in eastern Asia Minor. The Hittite Empire of the second millennium BC rivaled that of the Babylonians and Egyptians. Current research on the Hittites relate the Hittites to the ancient city of Zippalanda and to recent excavations in Turkey. The Hittite and Luwian peoples were a major influcence on the cultural development of the Aegean civilization.
Hurrians are an ancient people of northern Mesopotamia, Syria, and eastern Asia Minor circa1500 BC and possibly descendants of the Horites that inhabited the Dead Sea region and the Nile Valley. Research suggests an organic connection between the Hurrian and Akkadian languages, although this is disputed by the Russian ethnologist Sergey Arutiunov. Arutiunov believes that the Luwians are the Luwi who live in Luya, on the southern coast of Asia Minor. According to Arutiunov, the Luwian and Hurri languages are not related. I don't agree with him. There seems to be a linguistic connection, but the complexity of languages by 2300–1000 BC is so great that it is difficult to pursue all the connections.
The Luwians had their own language, Luwian, which was predominant in western and southern Asia Minor during the second millennium BC. They also possessed a distinct script, Luwian hieroglyphics, from at least ca. 1700–700 BC.
Luwian hieroglyphs continued to be used throughout the Dark Ages (ca. 1200–800 BC), while the other Bronze Age writing systems were either abandoned altogether (Linear B) or were no longer used in Asia Minor (cuneiform).
The Luwian writing system is known from quotations in Hittite documents and from ancient scripts from Crete and Cyprus.
Recent research connects the Luwian hieroglyphs and the Hittite hieroglyphs. The Luwian inscriptions from the Yazilikaya site in Turkey are connected to the Hittite religion. The Luwian scripts took two forms: (1) Akkadian cuneiform, as with the Hittite scripts found at Hattusa, because from the 21st century BC to the late 18th century BC, Assyria controlled Anatolia; and (2) Egyptian hieroglyphic. Both writings systems are connected to the Proto-Saharan rulers who dispersed out of Africa into the Mediterranean and Southern Europe.
The spoken language had properties typical of Chadic, Nilotic, and ancient Sumerian languages, which like spoken Luwian, are ergative-agglutinative languages.
Features of Luwian and Hittite Religion
The Luwian religion is similar to that of the Hurrian or Horite Habiru religion. There is a common symbolism involving the Sun, horns of the cow, stone altars, fortified temples, a binary worldview, etc.
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Yazilikaya Water Shrine at Hattusa, Turkey |
The binary feature of Hittite religion is expressed in the arrangment of male and female deities. The west wall of the Yazilikaya shrine is adorned with reliefs of gods and the east wall is devoted to goddesses. A relief of great significance shows the divine appointment of a woman by the overshadowing of the Sun and the divine appointment of a ruler as one who wears the horns as a solar cradle. This is inside of Chamber A on the western wall.
Another binary aspect of the ancient heliocentric religion is the distinction between heaven and earth. The Creator, known by many names in the ancient world, was portrayed as a male. At the Yazilikaya Sanctuary he is known as Teshub, also written Teshup or Tešup (cuneiform dIM). He makes the T journey (the solar arc) over Earth. One relief at the Yazilikaya shrine depicts the gathering of the celestial beings to witness the marriage between Teshub (Sky) and Hepat (Earth).
The sky was very important to archaic peoples and anything that came from the sky was regarded as coming from the Creator. This included rays of sunlight and meteroritic iron beads. These were perceived as the Creator's semen/seeds giving life to "mother" Earth. Obviously, the Creator was perceived as male/father and the source of fertility.
Divine Appointment
Luwian is the Anatolian language of cattle-herding peoples. The Luwian hieroglyph is a bull's head with horns, the sign of divine appointment. The bull's horns are a prominent feature of the religion of the archiac rulers. It represents the widespread solar symbolism that pertained to the Creator.

Horus was conceived when Hathor was overshadowed by the Sun. That is why Hathor is shown wearing the Sun within the horns of the cow.
The Y image came to designate divinely appointed rulers among Abraham's people: Yitzak, Yacob, Yaqtan, Yishmael, Yeshua, Yishbak, etc. One of the signs of divine kingship was that the new born child was swaddled in a red cloak.
The Luwian: Another theory
The Luwian are also known as the Luwi. Luwi resembles the name of the Nilo-Saharan Lwo (Luo), an ethnic group that inhabits South Sudan and Ethiopia. The Luo languages belong to the Nilotic group and form part of the larger Eastern Sudanic family. This is the region of Abraham's Proto-Saharan cattle-herding ancestors.
Related reading: Luwian Studies; Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Pancarli Hoyuk; Historical Relationship Between Sanskrit and Hittite; Hittite Religion; Haplogroups of Interest to Biblical Anthropologists; The Sun and the Sacred; Abraham and the Hittites; The Yazilikaya Sanctuary; Boats and Cows of the Proto-Saharans; Binary Sets and Gender Distinctions; The Last Days of Hattusa
The Luwian are also known as the Luwi. Luwi resembles the name of the Nilo-Saharan Lwo (Luo), an ethnic group that inhabits South Sudan and Ethiopia. The Luo languages belong to the Nilotic group and form part of the larger Eastern Sudanic family. This is the region of Abraham's Proto-Saharan cattle-herding ancestors.
There are many linguistic and cultural connections between the Luwian and the Nilotic Luo. Consider the word qanyty or qanitti in Genesis 4:1. Cain's mother declares, "Kaniti (Qanitti); I have gotten a man, as has YHWH."
The word qanitti is of Akkadian origin, but it is also found among the Nilotic peoples. This should not surprise us. Akkadian was the language of Nimrod's kingdom and Nimrod was the son of Kush, according to Genesis 10. The Akkadian itti, as in itti šarrim, means "with the king" or "for the king." It is attached to the names of royalty. Even today the Oromo and the Luo attach itti to names: Onditi, Kaartuumitti, Finfinneetti and Dimashqitti. That itti is associated with Nilotic rulers is evident in the name of the great Egyptian queen Nefertitti.
Related reading: Luwian Studies; Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Pancarli Hoyuk; Historical Relationship Between Sanskrit and Hittite; Hittite Religion; Haplogroups of Interest to Biblical Anthropologists; The Sun and the Sacred; Abraham and the Hittites; The Yazilikaya Sanctuary; Boats and Cows of the Proto-Saharans; Binary Sets and Gender Distinctions; The Last Days of Hattusa
Hello! Lady Alice,
The One-True-God be with you and yours!
What is your take on this website, please? http://www.truthbeknown.com/osiris.htm Thank you.
It seems to have some elements of your writings, though certainly not Christian. Of course, it seems many of the ancestors of the Horim rejected Christ (the Horus model) and Christianity for even centuries. Nor were all the Horim Priest so righteous as we read in Scripture.
Blessings to you and your family!
PS Of course, those who were not so righteous, like Lamech, even in his egotistical murder knew to admit his unrighteousness to God and ask forgiveness for his evil acts. Even in admitting his unrighteousness and asking forgiveness he was acting out his ego of making himself god-like in his own heart to take a life and bragging about it to his wives knowing if he asks forgiveness God would forgive him. So what other many acts of unrighteousness did this Priest of Horim do that we are not told about? And, how many more unrighteous Horim Priest lived setting themselves up as god-like coming under the blood of Horus/Blood of Jesus to continuously wash away sins to continuously commit more sinfulness for their own gain? Of course, we know the Egyptian Rulers, who were of the line of Horim were called god. So Lamech was not the last Horim Priest to play-god. Nor was all the Egyptian Pharaohs all righteous, maybe the earlier ones were.
Of course, I understand many of the Biblical line of Horim Ruler-Priest were truly righteous and maybe Lamech truly became a righteous man himself. Man can change. It is God that has been the same from the beginning bringing forth true fulfillment of Truth!
I pray daily with a sincere heart to know God's Truth, which is the only Truth!
Since the Son of God was a theme of the Horites, with our understanding this was a long-time theme since the beginning of mankind coming to the understanding of the Spiritual aspects of GOD, who were the other Sons of God before Horus? Is Horus 5,000 years old? How many thousands of years were there between the birth of Horus and the Birth of Jesus? If Horus is only 5,000 years old then he is, of course, 3,000 years older than Jesus. We seem to know that mankind was spiritual in the use of red-ochre in burials used for some 300,000 -400,000 years ago, correct? So surely there were many more righteous-daughters of righteous Horim-type Priest to be overshadowed by the Sun (Holy Spirit) to conceive the Son of God before Hathor. I do understand you only deal with Genesis so only deal with the Horim back to Cain and Seth and not their ancestors, whatever these Horim ancestors were called…Maybe Khar? However, maybe you know where this information might be found.
Thank you.
Blessings to you and yours in the Name of The One-True-God!
That website fails to make important distinctions. Jesus is not a remake of Horus, Osiris, Buddha, or Krishna.
Jesus Christ is not Horus. Horus never lived in real time. He is the archetype for the Christ, the Messiah, who did live in real time. Abraham's Proto-Saharan ancestors already held a hope or anticipation of such a Righteous Ruler long before the emergence of the religions known as Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism.
We do not know when the belief about a "Son" of God who would overcome death and lead His people to immortality began. However, this idea was held by the Horite Habiru who dispersed widely, serving under the archaic rulers who controlled the major water systems and high shrine cities of the archaic world (about 6000-2000 BC). There is evidence that many of those rulers claimed to be the One, but none of them rose from the grave.
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Thank you for the blessing in the Name of the One True God, the Creator of all things, seen and unseen, who was with the Father from before time, and who lives and reigns with Him, one God in perfect unity, from ages to ages. Amen!
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