Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The MSNBC Spin on Jesus

An estimated 2 billion Christians around the world celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. While those believers take the stories of Jesus as told in the New Testament on faith, archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land and beyond in search of clues about the real life of Jesus and his followers. — John Roach, msnbc.com contributor (From here.)

I find it fascinating that educated journalists know so little about Christianity and assume that our Faith has no basis in historical realities.

Note that Mr. Roach neglects the central doctrine of Christianity; that Jesus is the Son of God whose coming into the world fulfilled a divine promise made to Abraham's Nilotic ancestors that the Woman (Mary) would bring forth the "Seed" (Jesus Christ) who would crush the serpent's head and restore paradise (Gen. 3:15).  Jesus claimed to fulfill the Edenic Promise when He told his disciples that He was going to Jerusalem to die. When they protested, He explained, "unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)

The ancient Horites observed the death and resurrection of HR (Horus) in a five day festival in which they planted grain on the third day, signifying the resurrection of HR, who they called "Son of God."

People think of Christianity as an off-shoot of Judaism. However, the core of Christianity can be traced back to Abraham and his Nilotic ancestors long before Judaism. In this sense, Christianity isn't original. What it lacks in originality, it makes up for in antiquity and herein rests its authority.

The origins of Christianity came to Abraham, not as special revelation, but as a tradition received from his forefathers (horim). The distinctive traits of this tradition align remarkable well with the key features of catholic faith and practice and have been confirmed by archaeological finds, anthropology and linguistics:

  1. All-male ruler-priests
  2. Blood sacrifice at altars
  3. Expectation of the appearing of a Divine Son
  4. Belief in an eternal and undivided Kingdom
  5. As in heaven, so on earth - reflected in the Lord's Prayer
  6. Circumcision

Because of God's promise in Eden (Gen. 3:15) Abraham and his ancestors lived in expectation of the Son of God and taught their children to do so. Their priestly lines intermarried exclusively (endogamy) in expectation that the Seed of the Woman would come of their priestly lines. In other words, the Edenic tradition is a family-tribal tradition. This is evident when one studies the genealogies and discovers that the ruler-priest lines of Abraham's people intermarried and shared common beliefs and practices. Using the genealogical data of the Bible, specifically the king lists, it is possible to trace Mary and her cousin Joseph back to the earliest rulers of the Bible in Genesis 4 and 5. It is possible because the Horite ruler-priest lines (some of whom were later called "Levites") practiced endogamy.

Since the Bible contains 66 books written by many different authors over about 1300 years, it is not possible that this scheme was imposed at a late date.  In other words, analysis of the marriage and ascendency pattern of the Horim shows that Jesus is the direct descendant of Abraham's ancestors to whom God made the promise concerning the coming of the Son of God. There is a reason why Jews call their ancestors horim.

John wrote, "This is the revelation of God's love for us, that God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him." (1 John 4:9) This sounds like foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who know that God's promises are sure, it is the hope and assurance of life eternal.

Related reading:  The Marriage and Ascendency Pattern of Abraham's People; Eden: A Well-Watered Region; Extant Biblical Clans and Tribes; Nilotic Celestial Archetypes; Challenge to Shaye Cohen's Portrayal of Abraham; The Ethnicity of Abraham and David


  1. What's the explanation for the differences in the genealogies of Luke and Matthew?

  2. Matthew traces the priestly line of Mattai/Mattan/Matthew from Abraham to Jesus Christ. Both Mary and Joseph are in this line.

    Luke traces Jesus' Mattai line back to Adam to show that He is a descendan of those who lived in Eden.
