Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ruler-Priests of Genesis

Archaeologists working at the Giza Pyramids have made several new discoveries that shed light on life at the time the pyramids were built. Among the discoveries is a basin that may have been part of a thriving harbor and a "silo building complex," where researchers have found numerous bones from the forelimbs of cattle, offerings in ancient Egypt, suggesting royal cult priests...

Read more here.

4000 year Egyptian ship plank

Alice C. Linsley

The phrase "royal cult of priests" is somewhat misleading. Anthropologically speaking, it would be more precise to speak of a "caste" of royal priests. In the ancient world, there were priests dedicated to different deities and their religious practices varied. Their deity identified their cult.  The particulars of the ruler-priests of Genesis is presented my paper "Genesis in Anthropological Perspective."

The ruler-priests of Genesis, though dispersed widely in service of great kingdom builders, shared distinctive beliefs and practices such as circumcision, ritual purification, animal sacrifice, and purity of life and solar imagery. They did not marry outside their group. They served the king, along with warriors, seamen, scribes, metal workers, mining experts, and royal artisans.

As ancient rulers controlled the major water systems and ports, their temples and shrines were also located on or near water. Giza was the central port of Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure, the rulers who built the Giza pyramids.The priestly attendants, in their various orders, who served at the temples along the ancient Nile were called Habiru, which is Hebrew in English Bibles.

The ruler-priests of Genesis were devotees of Horus, the "seed" of the Creator, born of Hathor. These are called "Horites" in English Bibles, the English variant of the word Jews use to speak of their ancestors: Horim.  Moses' father was a Horite ruler-priest. Many of the Horite rulers are designated by the solar symbol Y in their names. Horus' mother was Hathor-Meri. She is the pattern by which Abraham's people came to understand that the Messiah would be born of a woman of their ruler-priest lines. 

One of the characteristics of castes is endogamy, that is, the practice of marrying only within one's caste. Joseph (Yosef), the son of the Horite Jacob (Yacob), married the daughter of a Horite ruler-priest of Heliopolis (Biblical On). The intermarriage of the ruler-priest lines has been verified through analysis of the marriage and ascendancy pattern of the Genesis rulers.


  1. What is striking to me about this story is that they were probably using a very old technology to move the stones. In England, Stonehenge, and adjacent stone circles, archeologists now know were constructed using stone from many miles away that were transported on canals. The Egysptian harbor was probably where the stones for the pyramids were delivered. The presence of so many varieties of trees makes me wonder, were the forests of the Levant, the legendary cedars of Lebannon, denuded for the great pyramid building project?

  2. There were forests must closer to the Nile that would have been harvested.

  3. The pattern of two wives did not apply to everyone. It was a requirement for the highest ranking rulers. The second wife was a patrilineal cousin or niece, also descending from a Horite ruler-priest line.

    Ther Horites were dispersed across the ancient Afro-Asiatic Dominion so "sent-away" sons of Horite rulers also found Horite brides in the region where they established their territories. All the famous Horites of the Bible were sent away sons: Kain, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joseph, David and (behold the pattern!) Jesus.
