John Oguto - "To mould with clay is CHWEYO. Jachwech, as the Luo sometimes venerate God, is Creator, the one who moulds. Hence God's creation is CHWECH NYASAYE. YAHWEH and JACHWECH might be graphically close but sound very different. JACHWECH will sound like JAR-CHOO-WAY-CHOO. To me, Luo exclamation of YAHWAH whenever they are saddened or are in shock could have been an exclamation to Yahweh." - on narrative of Creator moulding Adam from the clay.
Horite means the ancestor in afan oromo. Oromo is one of horite of kush. Come and see sucrifices done in borena oromo and judge that every religion from Abraham and kush. By the way the name 'Bilikisa' means the 'shining' and the name 'sigmbo' or 'simbo' means the 'cute'
The Dog Nam which is the great water mass in Luo is the creation waters . The Luos associate any big water mass as a place where God is like the mega Chad, the Nile, lake Victoria which the inhabitants called Nalubaale. The last letter le is a corrupted form of re which refer to God.
Got Agoro in Kitgum has a cave painting of Mother Mary carrying Jesus. This sounds similar to your post about Jesus's story being born in a cave..
Leo Odera Omolo
I have been reading a lot of concocted stories about the Luo family tree lineage by one Ajos Wuod Atiga Nyar-Ocholla., and although I am not disagreement with him, I should like to put forward the following corrections.
We start from Wau Province now one of the states in Southern Sudan.
There was a serious outbreak of anthrax {Opere} which whipped out the entire livestock that were owned by the Lwos {Luo}. Following this incident, which experts says took place around 1300 the community resorted to fishing along the River Nile for survival. And this is how it earned the derogatory names Jo-Oluo-Aora ( Meaning Luos}.
Previous the Lwo group had briefly occupied Nuba Hills, which are located North of Khartoum, the present of the Nubians {Wanubi},small community of Negroes believed to be the closest cousins of the Lwo Speaking groups. This the first stop after Egypt, a country which the group had conquered and ruled for some times.
The Chieftain at the material time was Sinakuru.He is the father of Podho{1} who in turn fathered Ringruok,who is the father of Owat,and Owat is the father of Twaifo, the of Jok {1}.Jok [1} fathered a son called Nayo,and it was Nayo fathered Jok {11} who is the father of Ramogi [1}.
Rampgi {1} had two sons Aruwa and Podho{2}.
Aruwa and Podho were involved in a serious dispute after Podho speared an elephant to scare away a herds of elephants which were destroying the family farm of sorghum. Aruwa is reported to have insisted in getting back his very spear, though he knew that the animal had escaped with the spear sticking on its body to the thick forest and the spear was irretrievable and the issue was near impossible.
The two brothers disagreed and got separated each choosing and following his own path. Podho chose to move eastwards, while Aruwa move westward.
Today the descendants of Aruwa are the varius community and tribes scattered all over Africa, most of them have settled In Centra and West Africa. They include the communities like the Acholis, Gang. Chopi, Aluru, Langi {Lang’o}Kwa. Lughbuara, Madi, Kuku, Mondo, Lukoya,Lubira, Yom. Others are Siluk and Dinka and Nuer.
The descendants of Aruwa are scattered all over Africa, though the majority lives in Southern Sudan, Uganda and Central African Republic. But few of these people could be traced in Chad, Cameroun, Ghana and Nigeria.
After the two disagreed and separated, Podho who moved eastwards got several sons who included Ramogi[2} Lang’ni, Omia, Okombo, Didandand Muwiru.
Ramogi {2} had two sons, Nyaluo and Ramogi{3} who is commonly known as Ramogi Ajuwanbg”. He earned the extra name Ajuwang’ because his father Ramogi {2} died while he was still in his mother’s womb.
Nyaluo fathered Omolo {1}who is the father of Ochielo and Ochiel {Ochiel} had two sons Ragem{Gem} and Migenya {Ugenya}. And Migenya became the father of Anam Lwanda, Omolo [2}, Gor, Deje, Waljack {Kager}, Nyamwot, Rachiewo and Nyiner.
The Southern Luo got scattered while they were travelling eastwards. Some of their people lost their way while travelling through Uganda and got lost and melted into some other tribes in that country..The Ugenya and Jok group settled in a place called Band in Busoga, while Owiny, Muwiru and Omolo group came through Tororo and Mt Elgon.
It was Ramogi [3} or Ramogi Ajuwang” who arrived in Kenya and temporarily settled and built a home in a place called Ligala in Bunyala.The place is still called by that name t-date. He then crossed Rwambwa and Yala Swamp to Got Ramogi in what is the presently called Yimbo-Kadimo.
When Ramogi Ajuwang’ reached Got Ramogi he had his eldest son Jok [3} And Jok got a son there who was called Imbo.
Imbo had nine sons, namely Mumbo, Dimu {Dimo}, Nyinek, Iro, Magak, Nyiywen, Nyikal. Rado and Julu.
Mumbo is the father of Muljwok, and Uyawa and Muljwo is the father of Alego, Chwanya, and Omia.
IT WAS Alego who the first to moved eastwards from Got Ramogi’s ancestral home. He crossed River Yala and settled in a place called Nyandiwa .Here Alego faced the stiffest resistance from some concocted smaller Bantu tribes which had sworn not to allow the Joka=Owiny and Joka-Ramogi to set foot in this territor, but Alego had somehow superior force which overcome the Kombe Kombe group as they were called then. These are the people who run across River Yala and settled in Yimbo and form parts of the 54 sub-tribes living in Yimbo today.But they were later overturned and conquered by the Domo, Owil, Nyiywen and Wareje group which were part of Joka-Owiny.
It is arguably that nearly all the Luo sub-clans living in Nyanza might have settled in Alegoi before moving to their present land.
I am kindly requesting your historian Ajos Wuod Atiga Nyar-Ocholla to do some home work and studies. He could either endorse my version or dispute these historical facts and open up public debate.
I could go further, but let me pen off here and allow him time to respond. Although agreed with him on many other facts, but most of his facts stands to be corrected and I should like to encourage him to go ahead and do much serious research before posting some stories to the website or compare notes with other writers.
Dear Alice,
Sorry that I got your E-mail address without permission. I saw this address on your post of October 13 2013 when you answered the request by Imani Nzinga. I had always looked forward to communicating wtih you by E-mail.
Your posts on Just Genesis have answered at least three myths about the biblical book of Genesis namely: the possible origin of the first full humans Adam and Eve; where Noah’s flood was and whether Noah’s flood was world-wide or not.
I would like to my complement to that of your friend Imani Nzinga that your research in Anthropology is amazing as I have learnt a lot about ancient Africa through your research findings that you have generously decided to share with us. I do believe you are a true Christian who would like to pursue the truth through facts established using all means including scientific studies. In this quest for knowledge which in this case is truth you have proved the young earth creationists and racists wrong. I would like to compare you to the late Drusilla Dunjee Houston a fellow courageous Christian who wrote a book about the Wonderful Ethiopians of Ancient Kushite Empire. She too proved those who undermined Africa wrong by writing the truth.
As a scholar of Luo history and anthropology I would like to share with you the following mythologies of Luos:
1. The word Lapi or Hapi of waters refers to the creator who hovers over the waters like the time of creation when God’s Spirit was on the waters, Gen.1 (1-2)
2. Ru, ori or oru refers to early morning at the time of the early rising sun. This relates to Horus or god Osiris
3. We’re is a word adopted by the Jopadhola (Luo) and some neighbouring tribes as the name of God, the Creator. Here we see the word Re or Ra that refers to God
4. The Joluo of Kenya call God Nyaasaye. Nya refers to of and asaye has the letters asa referring to God
5. In line with one of your posts you stated that ac’el which in Luo means one is a word used to refer to God as the only one. The Luos refers to the creator as Jacwec or lacwec, the maker of things.
6. The names of the sons biblical Noah seems to have some interesting meanings in Dhopadhola (Luo).
Shem is nearer the word syem which means peace
Ham which can be read as Kham or lam means either a blessing or a curse
Japeth which in Luo could be read as Japath which means a wanderer or spread out
The study of the Nilotic Luos mythologies shows amazing similarities in traditions and language used by the Horites and the Anu people of old.
We shall share more about the Nilotic Luo mythologies related to creation, mother Mary and Jesus
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to communicate with you.
Wandera Salmon Owino
Japadhola(Luo) from Uganda)
Please, forgive for asking you these two questions
1. What inspired you to concentrate on bible anthropology and more specifically on matters concerning the ancestors of Jesus, our Lord?
2. What is the scope of your research on the Nilotic Luos?
Now I would like to share with my view about the possible meanings and connection between the first human family Adam and Eve as below:
a) In one of your posts you stated that the Hausa call a human being dan. The Luos call a human being dhano or dano the word being traced to adam
b) The name Eve known as Hawa, Kawa originated from the Hebrew word hayah which means life. the Luos especially the Jopadhola refer was to life as luyah
c) the first son of Eve and Adam .was called Cain. The Luos refer to their first born as kayo
Thanks once again for allowing me converse with you through e-mail.
Best wishes
There is a new comment on the post "East Africa: Brief correction about
Luo family tree and lineage, and migration from Sudan to Kenya".
Author: Wuod rwoth
Ancestors of Luos migrated to Mesopotamia valley after Noah's flood
which took place on mega lake Chad. They were kingdom builders . These
included Nimrod the great grandson of Noah. From the valley some of them
migrated as far as Zagros Mountains and beyond. It is apparent that
these Luo speaking race had a short stay at the foot of Zagros
mountains. they left traces there among the people they stayed with who
are currently called the Lur, the people of Lorestan.
The Lurs have elevated frequency of YNDA Haplogroup R1b (especially of
subclade R1bla2a-L23. The source of R1bla2a-L23 has not been defined by
geneticists. But Ribla2a is from the part of Africa where ancient rulers
of the Bible lived in the regions of Chad, Cameroon and Sudan
Even if we relate the Luos to Elamites and Kessites there is no evidence
that they originated from foot of Zagros mountains.
The other fact is that Elamites and Kessites were of the same tribe
because Kessite language was different from that of Elamites.. they only
had close ties and Zagros was a contact zone between Kessites and
It is evident that Luos who are most likely to be linked with the
Nafutians originated from Africa and had the skin colour of Nilo-Saharan
like that of Noah,s descendants with a colour tone brick red to black.
Therefore Luo does not have Euro-Asins (Muzungu). They only migrated
from Africa to Middle-East and back.
1.Clyde Winters- Kushite Spread of Haplogroup R1-M173 from Africa to
2.Elamites and Kessites in Persian Gulf by D T Potts 9University of
3.Luo origin of Civilisation by Dr. Terrence Okello Paito
See all comments on this post here:
Sorry, I have taken a bit of time without sharing with you some Luo myths.
The Jopadhola (my tribe), have a traditional belief a foursome personality that is similar to the four personalities responsible for our salvation .Our ancestors believe in god of the courtyard, god of the outside(beyond the courtyard), god's spouse called Nyalike (a corrupted word fro Nyilak),and person called the star whoi is like light that directs the way the heavenly forces do their work. the tradition also says that the two gods have almost equal powers but the central god is to be adored first. I'm seeing God the father, God the sun , mother Mary, and the Holy spirit. Mary has to be honored but it very difficult to distinguish between adoring, venerating and honoring in my mother tongue.
I have attached in this communication to you a paper presented by Dr. Okello. Terence Paito entitled Luo origin of civilization. for to read .There are aspects of his paper I do not agree with but there is a lot I have learnt from it. I would be glad if send your general reaction to the paper. This paper however does not give the stories of luos before Napata.
There are rock paintings in Agoro mountain, in Kitgum , Northern Uganda depicting Jesus and Mary. this place seemed to have bee settled by the Turks. I'm informed that it is a very old picture. And in relation to this am attaching an article in Yahoo on Wednesday about a drawing of Jesus discovered in an excavated building in Egypt.
Best wishes,

John Ogutu - When Acholi Luos say Lacwec, the Luo Luos say Jachwech, for Creator/ Maker. Jachwech piny gi polo (Creator of earth and heaven)). J,L, Y have interchanged. Thoth/Thuth means a lot of e.g knowledge. Thuth, a millet weevil with an ibis head-like that destroys seeds and grains. Or is that Thoth's head is tha of this weevil. Thuth destrosy the seeds as Levite priests killed their own people. H'ute= houses or temples/ temples of. Ter means rituals, example to do with death among the Luos, where the widow has to be cleansed.
In oromo language,word Horo designates the wall of the back bedroom of the tradition oromo house. The entrance of the house,from the inside looking outside traditionally faces the East. The rays of the rising sun pass through the eastern opening of the house to the room where the head of house hold sleeps. The word 'ANNA' means 'toward' or 'next to'. In oromo language, the last vowel is not always pronounced. The parts of the name 'BORANA' together mean "those who face east."
Similarly,the name BARENTU is made up of two terms:'BARRII',mean 'sunrise', and'-AANTU' the feminine form of '-ANNA'. Together the two words signify 'those facing the west.'" According to professor Mohammed Hassan the history of oromo,at the time of the expansion the pastoral oromo constituted of two powerful confederacies named BORANA AND BARENTU. The descendants of Borana and Barentu form the major Oromo clans and sub-clans. They include Borana, Macha, Tuulama, Wallo, Garrii, Gurraa, Arsi, Karrayyu, ltu, Ala, Qaloo, Anniyya, Xummugga or Marawa, Orma, Akkichuu, Liban, Jile, Gofa, Sidamo, Sooddo, Galaan, Gujii and many others. In the national myth,oromo was the father of both.
Dr.Gamachu Magarsa on the his book comments "....a long time ago before any creation came to existence, Waaq wanted all that was contained in him self come in to being. Hence, waqaa created the body of water, knowing that water is the source of all life. He then called the water HORA WOLABU.
The first day began when the sun rose at dawn and ended when the sun set on the first day. This first day Waaqa called Addula, "first sun". It take waaqa 27 days to complete his creation. These days occurred between the rising and setting of two new moons. Every tenth day, the creator rested, and so he took three days off. Then Waaq made humans and named him Horo (Horomo/Oromo).
On horo's body waaq placed five limbs ,a head, two arms, and legs. Each hand divided into five fingers and each foot divided into five toes.
On his face Waaq placed seven features. Horo thus reflected waaqa as period of creation, because he was made up of 27 different parts. on the body of the human being, three parts remain unaccounted, corresponding to the three days in which the creation of the world remained suspended.
Starting from this time on, the oromo people traced their origin from Horo,the founding father. The Fossil evidences discovered in oromiya (lucy, diknesh, chaltu over 3.5 million year old which was discovered in oromia in 1980'5 and the newly discovered EDALTU the oldest fossil ever discovered only about 200km from finfine are good emphasis to be added in my opinion) indicates the fact that humanity is originated in Eastern Africa(oromiya),thus,oromians beliefs are scientifically supported. The agricultural practice and their democratic law the GADA SYSTEM trace back almost two million years as well.
DDedan on Cherokee:
..."priestly class known as the Ani-kutani." Check Basque and Ainu Ani Katan
Compare Ani-kutani (priests), to qanitti, Ainu-Utari, Ama tera(su), Iesu Te Ama (christ loves), Amateru, (Hebrew) Teruma (tithe), (Malay) terima (receive),
Aniyunwiya "Principal People", On, Iunu, Hun-gari.

Hun-gar is especially provocative. The Hungarians call themselves the "Magyar" which is Ma-gyar = Hun-gar. The Magyar-ab - Tribe of Magyar - still live along the Nile River. Their ancestors moved east and north, perhaps as part of the Kushite expansion out of Africa. Gar means one who trades or a merchant in many Nilo-Saharan languages.
Thank you very much for the research about our (Luo) past.
I am currently writing a book the history of the Jopadhola, a luo tribe very closely related to the Jaluo of Kenya.
My chapter one deals with the origin of Luo as a race but I have had difficulties in making final edits to it because people ask me questions that make me go back to look for more information. There are two theories on the place where the Luo originated. One talks about Sudan and the other Luristan in Iran. Now, due to your research I am beginning to see the origin of the Luos.
The other of this project of mine is inadequate written material about ancient Luos and there records were mainly oral and that some of the ancient monuments were destroyed and some buried in the sand dunes of Sudan and Egypt.
All the same you are free to ask some questions about the Luos if I can answer them.
Before I end by informing you that the word Nile is a luo word meaning wide, large or long
May the Almighty God bless your research

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