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Father of Jose C. Bulang |
For a few years I have been having fascinating conversations with Mr. Jose C. Bulang of Bohol in the Philippine Islands. Some of these conversations are available to read under "related reading' at the bottom of this post. What follows is a more recent conversation.
Mr. Bulang: Good afternoon, Madame Linsley. Pardon my ignorance mam, but I wish to ask clarification. Am I right to say that Kushite is a nation being composed of many races or people with mixtures of colors of their skin tones? And among the Kushite is an Ainu race, Ainu or Annun or Annen is a race being of a red skin tone? If Shri Vijaya, accordingly is a brown race which is the description of Malay race, is it possible that they are the Ainu, Annun, or Annen which have only become brown being living along the seas of the southeast Asia island countries?
Alice: In Genesis chapter 10, we find that one of Noah's grandsons was named Kush (also spelled Cush in English). He had many descendants. The Kushite peoples are in the R1 Haplogroup which has 2 main subgroups - R1a and R1b. There are a range of physical features in the R1 haplogroup. The point of origin is the Upper Nile Valley (Nubia, Ethiopia, Somalia, etc.) and the Lake Chad area of Africa. The physical features include dark skin, light brown skin, yellow-brown skin, and a reddish brown skin tone. Hair types varied also.
The Kushite ruler-priests dispersed into Mesopotamia, Southern Europe, and Northern India where they were called "Saka" and said to have ruled the ancient world for 7000 years. Among them were the Kushan-Yuezhi who called themselves Visha or the Vijaya. Vijaya is usually rendered "tribes" although the word refers to their two ruling royal houses, as in vijana, the splitting of wisdom. The honorific title Pharaoh derive from pr-aa, which means "great house." In Vedic tradition, pra-jna means "wisdom of the great house." The Vijaya are called "Vaishnavites" in Andhra Pradesh and Indonesia. They were "Vijay-ana-gar" kings. You can see the words Vijaya - Anu - and Gar in this word. The Ainu dispersed out of Africa before Kush's time. They were already in Indonesia, Okinawa, and Hokkaido by 20,000 years ago. Noah lived long after this, close to the end of the Africa Humid Period, an interval between 16,000 and 6,000 years ago when Africa was much wetter due to a strengthening of the African monsoon.
Mr. Bulang: I learned of many things from the past from the knowledge you imparted to me. As regards the ancient name of the Creator Aza/Azu/Asha, is it related to the Arabic word AZIZ? Names like ABD UL AZIZ literally mean "place of Aziz," I hope I am correct. Is there a connection between these words and if there is then how have this entered into the Arabic language. Pardon my curiousity, but I wonder why most of the words you have mentioned are appearing in other places and uses.
Alice: The Arabic word Aziz refers to the Creator. It means "powerful, respected, beloved", derived from Arabic عزّ ('azza) meaning "to be powerful" or "to be cherished". In Islamic tradition al-'Aziz is one of the 99 names of Allah. Arabic was the language of the Kushite traders who came to the Philippines in the 10th century AD. Sargon I is said to have been the son of a woman who was overshadowed by the High God. His home was called Azu-piranu, meaning house/sun temple of God (Azu in Akkadian, Asa in Chadic, Asha in Kushitic, and Ashai in Hebrew.)
Mr. Bulang: Thank you madame for your generosity of sharing this vast knowledge about people. Have you any literature about the word JAH-BUL-ON? My limited knowledge about it is this is a combination of three name of GODS in ancient times, of different times and of different places and from it comes the word RAJAH or BAAL. I read somewhere that JAH-BUL-ON was translated like "I am what I am, Lord Most High, Father of All" and if the translation is correct is the word BUL, related to Melchizedik the Priest of the LORD MOST HIGH who met Abraham after he and his 318 warriors won in a battle against the 5 Kings?
Alice: I do not believe that Jah-bul-on means "I am what I am, Lord Most High, Father of All." Jah or Yah is a very ancient name for the Creator God and it originated in the region on the Upper Nile. The divine name appears on monuments and altars there. Two hieroglyphic references dating to the New Kingdom (BC 1550-1069) refer to “the land of the Shasu of YHWH.” These are the oldest references to YHWH outside the Bible. The "Shasu of Yhw" is found on inscriptions from the Nubian temples of Soleb and Amara West, and corresponds precisely to the tetragrammaton YHWH.
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Reproduction of the hieroglyphic inscription of YHWH (1400 BC) from the Soleb built by Amenhotep III Credit: Benny Bonte |
Melchizedek was a Jebusite ruler-priest. The Jebusites controlled Jerusalem before the time of King David. They were ethnically Kushite. Melchizedek was Abraham's priest and one of his kinsmen.
The word bul refers to a kingdom or a territory, such as in the word Bulgaria, which means Kingdom of the Gur/Ghur/Gurjar. (This contrary to the belief of Turkish scholar Erol I. Yorulmazoglu who states that "The name [Bulgar] was derived from the ancient Turkish word bulgha (to mix)." (Yorulmazoglu, The Turks, Vol. 1, p. 241.) The root of Gur or Ghar is GR and likely refers to tent dwellers. Ger is the word for the tent home of nomadic clans of the Steppes.
The people of Bohol, where you live, are called Bul-Annun, which would mean people of Annun territory. (The arrival of the Kushite rulers in Bohol probably corresponds to the time of the Eskaya alphabet, about AD 670.) Likewise, there are Sugbu-Annun (Cebuano) of Cebu; Buay-Annun of Buayan, Butu-Annun of Butuan, and Hiligay-annun or Ilonggo of Anninipay (Panay).
The word Annum is a vairant of On, a reference to the Ainu who were the first builders of the great Nilotic shrine at On (Heliopolis, Sun City). Genesis chapter 41 says that Joseph married the daughter of the ruler-priest of On.
Mr. Bulang: Dear Madame Linsley, Noah was born about 5,000 BCE. I read that the Kingdom of Ur was founded by Ur son of Kessed offspring of Arphasad son of Shem son of Noah about 4,000 BCE. This UR city, which at its time is the biggest in the world with a population of 65,000, ceased to exist about 450 BCE. I believe that it is safe to assume that at the time of UR it was the seat of knowledge of religion, sciences, and even hidden wisdom. And Abraham was born about 2,000 BCE at Ur Kasdim or Ur of the Chaldeans.
Alice: Noah's homeland was in the region of Lake Chad. This is the point of origin of many of the people in the R1b Haplogroup, including Abraham's Proto-Saharan ancestors. The story of Abraham opens in the Bible with him living in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley because that is the territory of his Kushite ancestor, Nimrod. Abraham's father was a descendant of Nimrod and a ruler-priest who maintained two wives. One resided at Ur and the other at Haran. Terah died in Haran. This map shows the dispersion of the peoples in the R1b Haplogroup. Note the deep red in the location of Lake Chad in central Africa. That is Noah's homeland, called Bornu, meaning "Land of Noah." The density of people in the R1b group is quite great there, as it is in Spain, France and the British Isles. There is a range of physical appearance among these peoples, yet they are kin.
Mr. Bulang: You told me that the Ainu, Annun, or Annen, which is the race of Abraham, have already reached southeast Asian island about 20,000 years ago even before the period of Noah, Terah, and Abraham and the existence of the city of Ur. So the Ainu, Annun, or Annen who first reach the south east asian island may not yet have the knowledge of Noah, Terah, Ophir, Abraham, and the City of Ur when they reach Southeast Asia. Or they are already trading with city of UR at the time of birth of Abraham, which one?
Alice: There were Ainu among Abraham's ancestors, certainly, but they were only one people group from whom Noah, Terah and Abraham descended. All of these men were rulers and the ruling houses of the Proto-Saharans and the Nilotes intermarried. These archaic kingdom builders built many urban centers and many of them have the designation 'R because that indicates a shrine city. Examples include ER-ech, IR-ad, AR-am, AR-menia, and Tamana IR-ik, a town in Papua New Guinea. In the Phippines you have a ruler of Ur, Rajah Urangguwan, who governs the people called Ur-Annun. These fortified cities were usually at higher elevations and therefore are called "the high places" in the Bible. In ancient Sumerian ékur refers to a mountain house, a pyramid, or an elevated Sun temple.
Mr. Bulang: Abraham has his six sons from Keturah who he sends to the far away country on the East, far away from Abraham (Gen 25.6) which happen about 2,000 years BCE. And he give gifts to his sons of Keturah. But no mention of what the gifts are, right mam?
Alice: Abraham had nine sons. His two firstborn were Joktan (Yaqtan) and Isaac (Yitzak). Isaac was his proper heir and inherited Abraham's territory in Edom after Abraham died. Yaqtan ruled as a prime minister in the territory of his maternal grandfather, after whom he was named. The Joktanite clans still reside in Southern Arabia. Some of these are called "Dedanites" in the Bible.
The typical gifts given to sent-away sons included: slaves, cattle, sheep, donkeys, camels, warriors, weapons, tents, ropes, metal objects and ritual objects such as circumcisin knives and protective amulets and figurines.
Mr. Bulang: I am thinking deeply. If I am to be Abraham what gifts will I give to my beloved six sons? They are beloved because their mother is my cousin Ainu, annun, annen, my race and blood and a daughter of my uncle a ruler priest, and surely beloved because I am able to have six sons with her several times more than my other wives. I am thinking that if I am Abraham I will give the following gifts:
1. Territory
2. I will gift my sons the Titles of Royalties or Monarchy form of government appropriate for their being sons of a ruler priest. I will provide the King Making Rights and the titles and maybe just maybe I will give the highest title worthy of a King of my Ainu, Annun, Annen race the title RA+YAH (son God RA plus highest God YAH) which become RAJAH which are the titles of highest nobility of Southeast Asian Empire Shri Vijaya and all the Kingdoms of the Ophir or Philippines as mentioned such that Buul has Rajah Sikatuna, Sugbu has Rajah Humabon, Buayan has Rajah Balatamay, Ur has Rajah Urangguwan , Butuan has Rajah Silongan, Rajah Siagu, Anninipay (Panay) has Rajah Marikudo.
3. I will gift my sons of religion of my forefathers... and because there were six of them I will consecrate them as ruler priest, but I will surely insure that they will be a priest of a God Most High. My father when praying he would raise his hands from the below forming letter V while imploring then close his palms up and bring it down in inverted V like the shield of David, raising him as offering from the mother Earth to the father in heaven, and imploring that the father in heaven bring his blessings down to the mother earth.
4. I will gift my sons with knowledge and wisdom of mining, engineering, navigation, and architectures. That is the reason why where my sons are settled there are petroleum reserves. This thing I been wondering that mostly of the areas where there are royalties there are petroleum or mineral reserves, and I would say they are blessed. I read somewhere that Abraham gifted his sons with black magic. I think it is out of character to a Patriarch like Abraham to gift his sons, blood of his blood and flesh of his flesh, with black magic, what you think?
Alice: Black magic, sorcery, and all occult practices were forbidden to the Habiru (Hebrew) ruler-priests. Unlike shamans who consult the spirits, the ruler-priests of the Bible consulted only the Holy Spirit through prayer and study of holy Scriptures. When Saul consulted a medium to call up the spirit of Samuel, he was condemned for this as a great evil. Samuel, the Horite prophet, told him, "For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has also rejected you from being king." (1 Samuel 15:22-24)
Your sons will have a good inheritance from you. There is no gift as great as the gift of knowing who we are and the faith traditions of our ancestors. Only then can we live in accordance with their good values.
Related reading: The Nilotic Origin of the Ainu; Hittite Religion; Yahu Seals; The Nubian Context of YHWH; The Kushite-Kushan Connection; From the Nile to the Philippines: Tracing the Gurjars; Kushites in Mindanao; The Nile-Japan Ainu Connection; Pythons Used for Sea Navigation; Shamanic Practice and the Priesthood
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