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Father of Jose Calcis Bulang of Bohol, the Philippines |
What follows is a recent communication with Mr. Jose C. Bulang who has been following my research for several years and using it to trace his ancestry.
My name is Jose Calsis Bulang. I keep on reading historical materials which may help me trace my descent both from my mother and father side.
One entry that kept me wondering is about King Herod Agrippa II which can be read in the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 24: verse 24. In a Cebuano translated Bible of the New Covenant version there was an entry in the Glossary which said: "Agrippa II - Son of the grandson of Herod the Great. King of Calsis, a small nation north (Amihanan) of Palestine. He ruled also the adjacent lands. It was before Agrippa II and his sister Berenice that Paul defended himself Acts 24:24)"
In that same book it said that Drusila, the wife of Roman Governor Felix who ruled Judea from 50-62 A. D. was King Agrippa II sister and she was Jewish. It was before Roman Governor Felix of Judea that Apostle Paul defended himself concerning the faith in Christ.
I wonder now why my mother's family have carried the family name Calsis, which according to glossary in that New Covenant Bible translated from Greek version in 1935 was a "small nation north of Palestine" and ruled by a Jewish King Agrippa II in the period estimated from 50-62+ A.D. Can it be possible that my mother's bloodline was Jewish?
Was there really such nation Calsis that existed that time, madame? Anyway, I hope I am not disturbing you and taking much of your time.
Thank you and may God Bless always.
Very sincerely yours,
Greetings, Mr. Bulang.
This is very exciting news! Josephus reports that Emperor Claudius gave Herod of Chalcis the Syrian kingdom of Chalcis at the foot of Mt. Hermon in the Lebanese mountains (ca. 42 CE). Though he never ruled Judea, Herod was granted authority over the temple with the hereditary right to appoint high priests. With that authority he would certainly be regarded as an appropriate dignitary for the installation of a king.
The DNA Profile you sent me traces your Y-chromosome ancestry, or your patrilineal ancestry. The profile indicates that your male ancestors did not originate in East Asia. The primitive Iberian ancestry is really Paleo-North African. This might include ancient Nilo-Saharan peoples, some of whom went to Palestine, Syria and India.
Is it possible that your family name was originally Calsi? The name Calsi is found in Spain, Italy and other parts of Europe, but the name appears to have originated in Palestine and the region of the Nile Valley. Originally, it was probably spelled Kalsi. That spelling is found among Indian traders in Egypt. There is a region of India called Kalsi-Chakrata. Here is a video about one of the Kalsi Rock Edicts of the ruler Ashoka.
Ashoka was the third monarch of the Mauryan dynasty in India, reigning from around 269 BC. His rock edicts were a way to reform the abuses of Hinduism. King Ahoka wanted to eliminate the excessive sacrifice of animals which benefited the Hindu priests financially and made it possible for the people to eat lots of curried meat.
The name Amihanan is found in the Philippines. There is a lake area by this name on Malalison Island. The place name may be related to the word for the northeast monsoon which is "amihan."
Here is a photo of a coin of Herod of Chalsis. It shows Herod with his brother Agrippa of Judaea crowning Roman Emperor Claudius I.
This indicates that Herod of Chalsis was indeed a very important man. Jewish identity is traced through the mother, so it appears that your mother's family might be Jewish, or at least related to the Herodians, who were Horites. The Herodians were originally from the kingdom of Edom. They ruled after the time of Abraham, one of the earlier ruler of Edom. The Edomite rulers were famous for their water works, temples, rock shelters and tombs.
Herod the Great's father was Antipater, was an Edomite of great influence and wealth who increased both by marrying the daughter of a noble from Petra. At that time Petra was the capital of the rising Nabataean kingdom. The Nabataeans were related to the Red Nubians, who long before the time of Herod the Great, had dispersed widely. Some were called Saka. They ruler in northern India and dispersed widely.
I have written about the Edomites in these articles:
Edo, Edom, Idumea
Petra Reflects Horite Belief
The Edomites and the Color Red
Best wishes to you.
Alice C. Linsley
Madame Linsley,
My observation concerns the grandson of Herod the Great, Herod V or Herod of Chalcis, who held the office of priestly line of the house of Herod consistent with the Nilotic family practice of appointing the eldest as the kingly line thus sending them away to established kingdom while the younger stays as the priestly line to minister the kingdom of her mother, am I correct in this? Thus, Herod of Chalcis as the highest priest of the family of Herod the Great installed emperor Claudius, using the installation ceremony on "raising from the dead" to become king, which installation ritual for a king started with king Sargon who was rose from the dead to become king of kings thus SARGON. Am I correct on this, Madame?
Very sincerely yours,
Mr. Bulang,
The priestly caste that we are considering had a unique and distinctive kinship and marriage and ascendancy pattern that involved two wives. Only the first born son of the first wife – usually a half-sister – ruled over his father’s territory. That is why Isaac, born to Abraham's half-sister Sarah, ruled over Abraham's territory, though he was not the first son to be born to Abraham.
Herod of Chalcis does not fit this pattern, as far as I can tell. As the grandson who is named after his maternal grandfather, he fits the pattern of the first born son of the second wife – usually a cousin or a patrilineal niece. This son served as a high official in the kingdom of his maternal grandfather, or as a representative of that royal house. If this is the case, Herod of Chalcis would not have acted as his grandfather's representative at the installation of Claudius I because Herod died in 4 BC and Claudius I reigned from 41-54 A.D. Herod's kingdom was divided as follows:
It is possible that Herod of Chalcis is a reference to Herod of the Ar clans, that is, the ruling clans of the ancient world. Archelaus means "master of the people" in Greek. Perhaps Chalcis is derived from the Greek word Ar-chelaus? I am speculating here. The Ar/Aro caste of priest-kings were highly militarized and dispersed widely.
Many ancient Hebrew are associated by their names with the Ar patrimony. Two examples are Aroch (1 Chr 7:39, Ezr 2:5, Neh 6:18, Neh 7:10) and Ariel (Ezr 8:16, Isa 29:1, Isa 29:1, Isa 29:2, Isa 29:2, Isa 29:7). Ariel means “Scribe/Messenger of God.” It appears that the Ar clans were known as royal scribes, messengers or prophets. This is further suggested by the name Ar-vad. Vad means “to speak” in Sanskrit. The root is vd, which also refers to seeing. In Ancient Egyptian vidjet refers to the Eye of Horus, the son of the Creator. In Serbian, vidjet means "to see." There are many connections between ancient Nilotic words and those found in Serbia and Northern India were the Kushite Saka ruled for many thousands of years.
The association of the name Ar with the scribal caste is further demonstrated by the discovery of Aramaic scrolls from Arsames, the satrap, who wrote to his Egyptian administrator Psamshek, and to an Egyptian ruler named Nekht-Hor. (A.T. Olmstead, History of the Persian Empire, Chicago, 1948, pp.116-117) Numerous historical persons are identified as Ar: Ar-Shem, Arsames, Artix, Araxes, and a Jebusite ruler called Araunah who sold King David a threshing floor upon which David constructed an altar. One of Jesus' close kinsmen was Joseph Ar-Mathea. He was of the Matthean ruling line.
Priests certainly were involved in the installation of kings and emperors. Often more than one. This practice goes back to before the time of the Pharaohs.
Sargon means “King of Kings” or “Most High King” and is a title that applied to more than one person. It is difficult to connect Sargon the Great with the house of Chalcis. However, since rulers tend to marry persons of royal birth, it would not be surprising to find a connection.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones in the New Year!
Alice C. Linsley
Related reading: Sun Symbolism and Blood Guilt; Kushites in Mindanao; Pythons Used for Sea Navigation; More on Mr. Bulang's Family Research; Kushite Shrines; Joseph of Arimathea: Fact and Fiction; Religion of the Archaic Rulers; Was Constantine a Saka Ruler?; Solving the Ainu Mystery; The Kushite-Kushan Connection; Royal Names in Genesis; Genesis on the Ancient Kingdom Builders; INDEX of Topics at Just Genesis
Is it possible that your family name was originally Calsi? The name Calsi is found in Spain, Italy and other parts of Europe, but the name appears to have originated in Palestine and the region of the Nile Valley. Originally, it was probably spelled Kalsi. That spelling is found among Indian traders in Egypt. There is a region of India called Kalsi-Chakrata. Here is a video about one of the Kalsi Rock Edicts of the ruler Ashoka.
Ashoka was the third monarch of the Mauryan dynasty in India, reigning from around 269 BC. His rock edicts were a way to reform the abuses of Hinduism. King Ahoka wanted to eliminate the excessive sacrifice of animals which benefited the Hindu priests financially and made it possible for the people to eat lots of curried meat.
The name Amihanan is found in the Philippines. There is a lake area by this name on Malalison Island. The place name may be related to the word for the northeast monsoon which is "amihan."
Here is a photo of a coin of Herod of Chalsis. It shows Herod with his brother Agrippa of Judaea crowning Roman Emperor Claudius I.
Coin showing Herod of Chalcis with brother Agrippa of Judaea crowning Roman Emperor Claudius I. |
Herod the Great's father was Antipater, was an Edomite of great influence and wealth who increased both by marrying the daughter of a noble from Petra. At that time Petra was the capital of the rising Nabataean kingdom. The Nabataeans were related to the Red Nubians, who long before the time of Herod the Great, had dispersed widely. Some were called Saka. They ruler in northern India and dispersed widely.
I have written about the Edomites in these articles:
Edo, Edom, Idumea
Petra Reflects Horite Belief
The Edomites and the Color Red
Best wishes to you.
Alice C. Linsley
Madame Linsley,
My observation concerns the grandson of Herod the Great, Herod V or Herod of Chalcis, who held the office of priestly line of the house of Herod consistent with the Nilotic family practice of appointing the eldest as the kingly line thus sending them away to established kingdom while the younger stays as the priestly line to minister the kingdom of her mother, am I correct in this? Thus, Herod of Chalcis as the highest priest of the family of Herod the Great installed emperor Claudius, using the installation ceremony on "raising from the dead" to become king, which installation ritual for a king started with king Sargon who was rose from the dead to become king of kings thus SARGON. Am I correct on this, Madame?
Very sincerely yours,
Mr. Bulang,
The priestly caste that we are considering had a unique and distinctive kinship and marriage and ascendancy pattern that involved two wives. Only the first born son of the first wife – usually a half-sister – ruled over his father’s territory. That is why Isaac, born to Abraham's half-sister Sarah, ruled over Abraham's territory, though he was not the first son to be born to Abraham.
Herod of Chalcis does not fit this pattern, as far as I can tell. As the grandson who is named after his maternal grandfather, he fits the pattern of the first born son of the second wife – usually a cousin or a patrilineal niece. This son served as a high official in the kingdom of his maternal grandfather, or as a representative of that royal house. If this is the case, Herod of Chalcis would not have acted as his grandfather's representative at the installation of Claudius I because Herod died in 4 BC and Claudius I reigned from 41-54 A.D. Herod's kingdom was divided as follows:
Territory under Herod Antipas
Territory under Herod Philip II
Autonomous cities (Decapolis)
It is possible that Herod of Chalcis is a reference to Herod of the Ar clans, that is, the ruling clans of the ancient world. Archelaus means "master of the people" in Greek. Perhaps Chalcis is derived from the Greek word Ar-chelaus? I am speculating here. The Ar/Aro caste of priest-kings were highly militarized and dispersed widely.
Many ancient Hebrew are associated by their names with the Ar patrimony. Two examples are Aroch (1 Chr 7:39, Ezr 2:5, Neh 6:18, Neh 7:10) and Ariel (Ezr 8:16, Isa 29:1, Isa 29:1, Isa 29:2, Isa 29:2, Isa 29:7). Ariel means “Scribe/Messenger of God.” It appears that the Ar clans were known as royal scribes, messengers or prophets. This is further suggested by the name Ar-vad. Vad means “to speak” in Sanskrit. The root is vd, which also refers to seeing. In Ancient Egyptian vidjet refers to the Eye of Horus, the son of the Creator. In Serbian, vidjet means "to see." There are many connections between ancient Nilotic words and those found in Serbia and Northern India were the Kushite Saka ruled for many thousands of years.
The association of the name Ar with the scribal caste is further demonstrated by the discovery of Aramaic scrolls from Arsames, the satrap, who wrote to his Egyptian administrator Psamshek, and to an Egyptian ruler named Nekht-Hor. (A.T. Olmstead, History of the Persian Empire, Chicago, 1948, pp.116-117) Numerous historical persons are identified as Ar: Ar-Shem, Arsames, Artix, Araxes, and a Jebusite ruler called Araunah who sold King David a threshing floor upon which David constructed an altar. One of Jesus' close kinsmen was Joseph Ar-Mathea. He was of the Matthean ruling line.
Priests certainly were involved in the installation of kings and emperors. Often more than one. This practice goes back to before the time of the Pharaohs.
Sargon means “King of Kings” or “Most High King” and is a title that applied to more than one person. It is difficult to connect Sargon the Great with the house of Chalcis. However, since rulers tend to marry persons of royal birth, it would not be surprising to find a connection.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones in the New Year!
Alice C. Linsley
Related reading: Sun Symbolism and Blood Guilt; Kushites in Mindanao; Pythons Used for Sea Navigation; More on Mr. Bulang's Family Research; Kushite Shrines; Joseph of Arimathea: Fact and Fiction; Religion of the Archaic Rulers; Was Constantine a Saka Ruler?; Solving the Ainu Mystery; The Kushite-Kushan Connection; Royal Names in Genesis; Genesis on the Ancient Kingdom Builders; INDEX of Topics at Just Genesis
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