Here are 3 prize winners for dumbness by seemingly intelligent people on the book of Genesis.
First Prize goes to Paul Hunting. He wants us to know that the Council of Nicea and Emperor Constantine are to blame for our ignorance. He writes, "Since the council of Nicea in 325 CE, our entire culture, whether we be religious, scientific or atheist, has been deeply programmed with one archaic interpretation of the Bible. The arbitrary decisions made way back then by a seemingly well-intentioned Constantine were subsequently forced upon us under threat of torture, death, genocide and excommunication -- hardly conducive to freedom of choice, thought, belief and action. Yet now we can enjoy these freedoms, the terror of heresy remains imprinted on our very DNA.
Hunting adds, "The arguments between science and religion and between different sects of Judaeo-Christianity itself are creating such clamour that few people bother to look more deeply within the scripture to divine the lost meaning." (From here.)
Second Prize goes to Matt Goldberg who wrote about Paramount Pictures production of Genesis. The picture posted with his news release shows Moses raising his staff over the Dead Sea. Apparently, Matt Goldberg doesn't realize that story isn't in Genesis. Goldberg writes, "Paramount Pictures and former Walden Media co-founder Cary Granat will attempt to literally bring audiences closer to God by creating In the Beginning, a 3D adaptation of the Book of Genesis." (From here.)
Third Prize goes to Sir David Attenborough, a British naturalist who actually said, "The idea that the Lord had given us a present, that the world is a gift from God... well, the amount of stuff, back then, that the Lord was giving away was limited. We do not have dominion." (From here.) In Abraham's time there was a greater variety of flora and fauna in the region in which he lived than there is today. Today there are about 5000 endangered animals and at least one species dies out each year.
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
In a rare coincidence Pascha (Easter) falls on the same day this year,
April 20th, for both Orthodox and Western Christians. It will not happen
again unti...
1 day ago
To be fair, Alice, I don't think that Sir David Rabbitburrow was saying what you think he is saying. He was talking, I believe, about the extent of the dominion that man was given, not the number of creatures over whom that dominion would be exercised. Although I take quite a different position from him on fundamental theological questions, I think that the duty of stewardship over creation would probably be consistent with his apparent view of the limits of our dominion.
You're right. I should be fair. That's why he came in third place! He blames Genesis Chapter One for people who abuse the earth. Of course plenty of people who have never read the Bible think they are entitled to trash the world and destroy habitats.
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