Monday, July 16, 2012

Etymology of the Word "Horite"

Alice C. Linsley

The term Horite is derived from the root HR which in the ancient world pertained to Horus, to gold, to elevated persons, and to the Sun, the Creator's emblem. The word is associated with the functions of the Horite priesthood who weighed and evaluated commodities at the rock (kar) shrines and the river shrines. In ancient Egyptian inscriptions Khar referred to a commercial unit of measurement. (See James Orr, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, page 1421.)

The association of the roots gr (trader) and hr (Horite) is evident in Southern India in place names such as Gurgaon Haryana and in Leviticus 27:25, which equates twenty gerahs to one shekel. The custom of the priests weighing and placing value on offerings and traded commodities explains the linguistic connection between the Gurjar tradesmen and smiths and the Horites.

The words khar, kur and gur are related. Kur and gur means man or person in Ainu. Recent DNA and anthropological studies reveal that the Ainu, whose point of origin appears to have been the Nile Valley, dispersed widely. In Akkadian gurguri means metalworkers or copper smiths. In Oromo gurguru means to sell (gurgurtaa = sale, gurguraa = seller). In Somali gur- means to collect something and gurgure means one who Collects and Keeps Collecting. The Gurgure clan of the Dir refers to traders who collect wares and resale them. Among the Dir guri means stick, rod or firearm.

In Abraham's time, the Horite ruler-priest caste and metal working traders ranged from the Nile to ancient Babylon and into Pakistan and Southern India. They were rulers who controlled the major water systems which they used for commerce. They were a sufficiently important people to attract the attention of Chedorlaomer, King of Elam who attacked the Horites of Mount Seir (Gen. 14). Jews call them Horim (חרי), and Arabs call them Houris. In the Qur'an the Houris are deified ancestors. Some Jews and some Arabs share this common ancestry.

Analysis of Genesis 36 indicates that the Horites and Edomites intermarried, as is evidenced by this diagram which shows two named Esau. Esau the Younger was Jacob's brother. Possibly they were half-brothers.

These are all Horite clans. Job of Uz was a Horite.

In the region of Edom in modern Jordan and in Dedan they lived in caves as is mentioned in the Genesis 14:6, 36:20 and Deuteronomy 2:12. Their descendants built Petra in Edom (modern Jordan).

The Persian and Urdu word Saudagar means trader. This contains the gr root in connection with Arabia. However, Horites dispersed across the ancient world and their religious beliefs are reflected among the Scythian Saka. T
he Saka of the Kurgan (rock fortress) culture traded in horses about 3000 BC.

According to Hindu sacred texts, the Saka ruled the ancient world for 7000 years. They were ethnically Kushites. Genesis calls these rulers of the archaic world "the mighty men of old"(cf Nehemiah 3:16). Some of these rulers dispersed far from their ancestral homes and established kingdoms in Syria, Southern Europe, Northern India and the Tarim Valley of China.

A linguistic connection to the Horites is retained in the name Horowitz (also spelled Hurwitz or Gurvich), a surname found among Jews. The word Horite takes many forms including Hur, Horonaim, Horoni, Horovich, Gurwitz, and Hori. Hori was the son of Lotan son of Seir whose pre-Edomite descendants were the "lords of the Horites in the land of Seir" (Gen. 36:20-29 and 1 Chronicles 1:38-42). Lot, Lotan, and Nim-Lot are Egyptian titles. Nimlot C was the High Priest of Amun at Thebes during the latter part of the reign of his father Osorkon II.

The Gir-gam tells the story of Abraham's Proto-Saharan ancestors Cain, Seth and Noah. All were trader-rulers who controlled the water ways of West Central Africa.

The Jews call their ancestors Horim because many are direct descendants of the Biblical Horites. "Horite" does not refer to the ethnicity of the people, but to their caste. The ancient world had a caste structure. This explains why Horites are found among many peoples across the Afro-Asiatic Dominion.

Related reading:  The Horite Ancestry of Jesus ChristThe Relationship of Somali Kushitic Languages and Somali Oromo; Petra Reflects Horite Beliefs; Nimrod and the Baptism of Jesus; Edom and the Horites; Horite Expectation and the Star of Bethlehem; "The Horites" by The Rev. John Campbell, M. A.; Ha'biru, Ha'piru, 'Abiru or Hebrew?


  1. Hi Alice,

    You have probably heard this one, but how do you respond to arguments that not ordaining women, is the same as churches embracing slavery, or blaming women for eve's sin etc.


  2. Hi, Savvy.

    Good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well.

    Women priests is contrary to the received tradition of the Church which has nothing to do with equal rights. In the tradition, binary opposites like male-female are not regarded as equals. One is regarded as superior in some evident way and because of the superior trait is able to and responsible for the care of the lesser.

  3. Hi Alice, following on from Savvy's question, have you written anything on the issue of male-female roles in the bible? You used the word "superior" - I was curious about that. I have never thought of male "headship" as pertaining to superiority per se. hmmmmm . . .

  4. Hi Alice,

    I am doing good. My well wishes to you as well. Thanks for your input. When I am asked a question, like this I usually respond with political language cannot be used to explain theology.


  5. Matt,

    "Superior" in the sense that one of the entities of the binary set is objectively larger and stronger than the other. Men are observably larger and stronger as a group then females. The sun is greater than the moon as it gives light whereas the moon merely reflects the sun's light. God is great than man. Heaven is more glorious than earth, etc. Were Christ not greater, He could not have stooped to save us (Kenosis).

    Start here and read the related readings linked at the end of the article:

  6. what the patriarchs know about the anointing with power, I mean the Greek word for Christ, because I have read that Satan is an anointed archangel and Jesus is anointed too, so in what other cultures the anointing thing is done, referring with supernatural power? is there other archangels anointed and other sons of G-d anointed too?, plss drop me an email

  7. Robert in UK,

    Satan is a created being. Jesus was not created. Jesus Messiah (Christ) was "begotten" of the Father, not created.

    Be careful about "anointing" power. Unless it is the power that comes through the Blood of Jesus, it is not of God.

    Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God. To be saved one must believe this and trust in Him for salvation. He is the one and only savior who came into the world to save repentant sinners.

  8. as it is Written... ALL, not some things, are SUMMED up (shown to be funneled into one man, the man Yeshua Messiah) in the Anointed One, the 42nd generation listed in Matthew 1 - the 41st generation is listed as Salvation (Yeshua - Jesus) - a lot to discover when we study NAMES - especially Messiah and especially the context + application of Yeshua (Jesus) - bravo - but I test all things by the Spirit of God - the SEAL of our real faith - without the Spirit, that remains, what is the point - AMEN? (Galatians 3)... (:- )

  9. The "pleroma" in Greek. He is the all in all.

    Test by the Spirit of God and by the Scriptures inspired by that same Holy Spirit.

  10. I found your analysis of Abraham's children fascinating. It leads me to consider that you might be able to answer some lingering questions I have, if you'd be so kind.

    Jesus was said to have cleansed Mary Magdalene of 7 demons. Might not this have been some sort of initiation of Mary by Jesus?

    At the wedding at Canae, where Jesus turned water into wine, could this have been Jesus' wedding? For Jesus' mother told Jesus about the shortage of wine. Is this not something which would be, properly, only the concern of the hostess or mother of the groom? It would have been very unusual for a Rabbi to be unmarried.

    I've read that Nazareth wasn't a geographical location on maps during Jesus'. And that Jesus was a member of the Nazorean sect. What do you think of that possibility? What do you know of the Nazaoreans?

    Finally,might the Hebrew people have been the Haibaru who were part of the Hyskos invasion or migration into Egypt?Joseph was said to be a Vizir or high public official, surely he was part of the ruling class. In that case, the Hebrews were a part of the Hyskos expulsion from Egypt rather than the story in Exodus which was developed later while they were in Babylon. What do you think of that possibility?

    I hope you find these questions worthy of your answer and/or comment. Thank you.

  11. Carmon,

    Jesus never married. This is evident from the pattern of his Horite ancestry and their 2 wife marriage pattern. Only Gnostics believe that Jesus was married.

    The word Hebrew is the English equivalent of Ha-Biru, and the Habiru or Hapiru existed long before the Hyskos. They are the temple and shrine priests of the ancient Afro-Asiatic Dominion.

    The Horites were a caste of shepherd priests who held high status in ancient Egypt and the king of Egypt would have recognized Joseph as a Horite.

  12. Hi Alice,

    I've been a visitor to your blog on and off. I stumbled across your blog while seeking for Horite clues concerning the ancient Yoruba religion (West Africa). Having looked at the available evidences as listed below:

    Oro (Yoruba) - word
    Ori (Yoruba) - Head
    Orun (Yoruba) - Sky
    Orun (Yoruba) - Heaven
    Oru (Yoruba) - Midnight
    Orisha (Yoruba) - Pantheon of gods
    Oro (Yoruba) - Religious cult

    I can conclude that the Horites once settled in substantial number in Yorubaland in time past. What do you think about this?

  13. It is likely that the Horite religion spread in many directions. The dispersion of the Horites from Nekhen in Sudan into Egypt is rather well documented. Since the Horite younger sons did not receive significant land holdings and titles from their fathers, they often went with their warriors to conquer and establish themselves as rulers in adjacent territories. Some would certainly have gone into the well watered areas of Nigeria. Likely the Ijebu are their kin. The Horite's connections are to castes of people: rulers, priests, and metal workers, not to tribes. Catherine Acholonu believes that "In Nigeria the caste under reference is the Ar/Aro caste of Igbo Eri priest-kings, who were highly militarized in their philosophy."

    These were the royal scribes who served the great kingdom-builders of Genesis 10. The Nsibidi script, said to be the oldest script of Africa, contains may Sumerian and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Likewise the Akkadian reflects the movement of royal scribes from the greater Chad basin along a west-east corridor.

    The rulers were highly effective warriors who were served by metal workers who fashioned their weapons and symbols of authority such as iron beads and crooked staffs. These are called the Nes, Neshi or Nehesi. The metal-working Nes of Anatolia are their kin. The Neshi still function as priests in Igboland.
