Saturday, March 8, 2014

From the Nile to the Philippines

Dear Ms. Alice Linsley,

Blessings of Peace and Good Health to You.

I have read your blog for about two months now and what has been bothering me mentally for the past 50 years has been lightened. I seem to understand now why my father, who died in 1994, as said by my uncle who recently died, witness by my mother from their acquaintances in their early years, until I witness it myself, would wake at dawn every day to face the rising sun and pray for two hours, and in the midday, he stopped whatever he was doing to pray, and in the afternoon he faced the downing sun to pray again.

And when in my younger years I asked why he faced the sun to pray he would say "because it is the emblem of God." He would lie kissing the ground but in all his life he was not a follower of Islam. In fact, in the Catholic church in Dauis, Bohol his grandfather Damiano Bulang's name is etched in the first right side Column. How I longed and wish I can show my father to you in his position while performing his dawn prayer facing the sun, and I can hug him today.

Father of Jose C. Bulang

When I was about 9 or 10 years old after reading history of Daniel, about Samson in the Bible, about Alexander the Great in World History, one time I asked my father where we were descended from and he would say it was not clearly known, but his great great great grandfather was a name of Osman and once said that he come from the house of Sulaiman. And so I embark on research in my later life, and I found out that my family name Bulang was name of the place kampung Bulang of the royalty of Malacca/Johore (Hindu-Malay) empire from 1400-1800.

I have read every entry of the pertaining to Malaysia and Singapore. In fact, I noticed the brother-sister-cousin marriage practice. And it appeared that my great grandfather is a sent away first son of the Sultan Sulaiman Badr Ul Alam Shah who ruled Johor Empire from 1720-1760, and this is together with the sent away grandson of his successor son Sultan who was murdered. The period being the most turbulent in South East Asia being occupied and conflict area by the Dutch and English. In fact, in that Genealogy it appeared that the wife of Sultan Husain who signed the cession of Singapore with Sir Stamford Raffles to British was named Inche Puan Bulang. And so I was wondering and bewildered where our roots are coming from.

And two years ago I have myself DNA profiled under 16 Y-STR, and to my great surprise although I can not exactly understand and interpret it result some of my individual data under are aplenty in Iberian peninsula.

You can see picture of my father while 20 years old when you google the "House of Bulang."  But take no mistake, we are poor and we are working hard to progress as a family. We are related to family who have family name like Tubal, Tubio, and Abejaron which may be read Abd el Iaron.

Anyway, in the wikipaedia there is an entry about Gujarat. It speaks of Gujjars whose origin is unknown but it says that these people were Sun worshipers. It said that its plate has an emblem of God, Sun.

Is it possible that these people known as Gujjars are descended from Horite ruler-priests and maybe descendants of Keturah?

My apology for taking much of your time. I think I just got excited. I am really thankful you have helped me in my research and I hope to God I am not wrong about my presumption.

Thank you and more Power. May Almighty God Bless you always in all your labors.

Very respectfully yours,


I am very grateful to Mr. Bulang for contacting me and for his kind words about my research in Biblical Anthropology. It is my hope that this research will help and bless many people. Here I hope to answer some of Mr. Bulang's questions.

The Bulang clans are found in many parts of the world. Some are the original inhabitants of Yunnan in China. Yunnan can also be Yon or Y-On (as in Biblical On on the Nile) or Y-Ainu. There the Bulang live in huts, often on pillars, in the humid mountain forests. A rite of passage to signal readiness for marriage among the Chinese Bulang involves dying their teeth. Among the Nilotic Luo and the Natufians of ancient Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Syria, the rite, called nak, involved removing six front teeth.

The round houses of the Bulang and their old ways of life resemble those of the Ainu of Northern Japan. Here is a photo of a Bulang women cooking in Yunnan.

Compare this image to the photo below of Ainu women and their homes in Northern Japan.

Note the letter Y in the place called Yunnan. This ancient symbol indicated a people who venerated the Sun, like the Biblical Horites. In fact, the word Jo-hor reflects Horite beliefs. A variant spelling would be Y-Hor and it means Horus is God's appointed, or the Messiah. The point of origin for Messianic expectation is the Nile Valley and the expectation is expressed in the language, images and religion of Abraham's Nilo-Saharan ancestors for whom the Y was a solar cradle that indicated the ruler-priest. That is why the names of many Biblical rulers begin with Y. Yaqtan (Joktan), Yacob (Jacob), Yosef (Joseph), Yeshua (Joshua), Yetro (Jethro) and Yishai (Jesse) are examples.

The cultural context of these people is Kushite. According to Genesis 10, they are descendants of Noah through his grandson Kush and Kush's sons Ramah, Dedan and Nimrod. These are the rulers, priests, merchants and craftsmen of the ancient Afro-Asiatic Dominion. The Bible speaks of them as "the mighty men of old." They migrated out of the Upper Nile Valley in different directions, but the main movement was to the east.

Migrations out of the Upper Nile traced genetically

DNA evidence confirms the Kushite migration out of the Nile Valley. There were many migrations, but the Kushan-Yuezhi provide evidence of a relatively recent movement of Kushite craftsmen-traders. By this time, human populations were scattered across the earth wherever there were major water systems. Some of those populations resulted from earlier migrations out of Africa. The first took place about 120,000 years ago and the second about 70,000 years ago. The Kushite expansion coincided with the spread of the Horite religion by the Hapiru. In the proto-Saharan languages p is replaced by b so Hapiru also appears as Habiru (Hebrew).

The Habiru venerated the Sun as the emblem of the Creator, just a Christians venerate the Cross as the emblem of Jesus Christ. They did not worship the Sun, as the Wikipedia article claims. Even today in Judaism the Birka Hachama or “Sun Blessing” is performed every 28 years.

Some Kushite craftsmen-traders moved into central Asia and China, and others moved into Japan. They are also called Gujjar and Gurjar. Gurjar is a reference to their mercantilism and metal work. Bulgaria likely refers to a territory (bul) in which the Gurjar lived.

In Akkadian gurguri means metalworkers or copper smiths. In Somali Oromo gurguru means to sell (gurgurtaa = sale, gurguraa = seller). In Somali gur- refers to collecting something and gurgure means one who collects and keeps collecting. The Gurgure clan of the Somali Dir refers to traders who collect wares and resale them. Among the Dir guri means stick, rod or firearm. Among the Ainu of Northern Japan guruma means wheel. The Ainu of Japan believe the "koro-pok-guru" lived there before the Ainu.

A Gurjar friend tells me that her people are descended from the Kushan and Huns. There are 10 Gujar clans in India: Kasana/Kushana (the largest), Baisla (Baileus in Greek), Khatana, Hoon, Hepthali, Tongar, Chechi, Chawda, Guj and Gorsi. The Kushana of India and the Gurjars of Punjab worship Nana, the goddess of the Nile. There are hundreds of Gurjar clans spread across India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. (The plight of the Gurjars is discussed here.)

These traders and merchants of the ancient world did business along the great rivers and were also seafaring. Their commodities were weighed and evaluated at the shrines by the Horite ruler-priests. This custom is evident in the book of Leviticus where it equates twenty gerahs to one shekel (Lev. 27:25). The custom of the priests weighing and placing value on offerings and traded commodities explains the linguistic connection between the Gurjars and the Horites and between the words ghar/khar and har. In ancient Egypt khar referred to a unit of measurement offered at the temple (James Orr, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, page 1421). The association of the roots gr (trader) and hr (Horite) is evident in Southern India in place names such as Gurgaon Haryana. Mr. Bulang's forefathers came from this part of India.

The movement of craftsmen-traders out of the Nile Valley began long before Abraham's time, so it is not possible for Mr. Bulang to establish lineage from Abraham and Keturah. His ancestors may well have been in Southern India when Abraham lived in Canaan, or they may have been closer to the Philippine Islands. If they came from Arabia originally, they might be related to the Joktanite (Yaqtani) clans of southern Arabia who descend from Keturah's father, Joktan the Elder. In some ancient Near Eastern texts these Arabian craftsmen-traders are called "Sauda-gar."

Related reading: The Kushite-Kushan ConnectionChinese Geneticist: Chinese Ancestors Were AfricansThe Nile-Japan Ainu ConnectionA Kindling of Ancient Memory; The Horite Marriage and Ascendancy Pattern; The Urheimat of the Canaanite Y; Boats and Cows of the Nilo-Saharans; The Afro-Arabian Dedanites; More East Africa-Asia Connections; Making Sense of Genesis 10; Sent Away Sons

Dear Ms Linsley,

May Blessings of God most merciful and generous be upon you.

I felt so insignificant and humbled by the knowledge you imparted to me. When I was younger my father would cuddle me while sayings his prayers to God, and blessings upon me. Even now I can visually imagine him standing covering my head with his two palms while I am kneeling and pronouncing blessings for me and to his future descendants.

Thank you for your very valuable help. I felt I have just started my journey back and it is a long way home. It has been a long hard travel of my forefathers from somewhere in Nile through the valleys and mountains of Arabia, the valleys and mountains of India, the rivers and seas of South East Asia, the peace and wars, and finally where and what I am today. I know it is the same experience for others too.


Dear Mr. Bulang,

Thank you for sending your DNA Profile. This traces your Y-chromosome ancestry, or your patrilineal ancestry. Y-STR profiles are exactly the same among distantly related males down centuries of patrilineal lines.

Here is an explanation about how DNA profiling works:

Scroll down to where it shows the null allele at DYS448. Here no signal was detected in your DNA. So this eliminates from your ancestry all men with this allele. DYS448 is found most in East Asian populations. So it appears that your ancestors did not originate in East Asia.

The primitive Iberian ancestry is really Paleo-North African. This might include ancient Nilo-Saharan peoples, some of whom went to Southern India.

Best wishes,
Alice C. Linsley


  1. Fascinating. I am wondering if gur might be related to the Hebrew word ger (usually translated alien or resident-alien) in the Old Testament?

  2. I think so, Susan. These people were what we might call traveling tinkers, like the Kenites who moved from place to place doing metal work, repairing broken things, and selling their wares.

    I Samuel 15:6 calls Moses' father-in-law a "Kenite." Judges 4:11 speaks of Heber as a Kenite.

  3. And is gur related to the Mongolian word ger, meaning yurt, a tent dwelling? And to Gerar where Abraham sojourned (Gen. 20:1) ?

  4. Jonathan, the Mongolian connection seems plausible to me. Genghis Khan's people were the Yuan (Y-Ainu?). There is a strong linguistic connection between the Yuan and the Nilo-Saharan languages. Y was a solar symbol among the Nilo-Saharans, some of whom were Anu (Ainu), so Y-an might refer to the Ainu who moved out of the Nile into Mongolia. This connection is confirmed by DNA studies. Genghis Khan and his descendants are in Haplogroup C-M217 which comprises more than ten percent of the total Y-chromosome diversity among the Manchus, Koreans, and Ainu. The ruling families of the Ainu of Northern Japan and the elders of the Ainu (Micmac) of Eastern Canada are the same people, as I have demonstrated through my research.

    Further, Khan is a variant of Kain/Cain or Kayan and means king. Genghis may be the last of the "mighty men of old" described in Genesis. These dispersed out of the Nile Valley and Southern Arabia and became the rulers over territories in the ancient Afro-Asiatic Dominion.

    Genghis Khan followed the kingdom-building pattern of Kain, Nimrod and other sent away sons. Hun-gar or Hungarian origin stories suggest that Genghis Khan was a descendant of Noah through Japheth, and he was allied with the Keraits, the only Christians known to have inhabited Central Asia. The Keraits converted to Christianity in the 11th century. One of their leaders, Toghrul, gained fame as far west as France and Spain for his battles with Muslims. Several Kerait women became influential in the Mongol court. Sorghaghtani Beki married a son of Genghis Khan, and they had four sons. Two sons, Kublai Khan and Mongke Khan, were prominent leaders of the Mongolian Empire.

    Read more here:

    Gerar may be related, but I'm not sure of the relationship.

    Leviticus speaks of 20 gerahs = 1 temple shekel, but this pertains to a time after Abraham.

  5. Hello. I am a gurjar/gujjar (gujarat is named after this race) and just want to clarify that gurjars are aryavarta/aryan stock that was the imperial warrior race of India till 500 years ago. there is little or no evidence that this aryan stock ever went to south east asia to my knowledge. Sun/surya worship is however a ancient tradition (zorashtrans of iran were entirely sum worshippers) so do extend your research accordingly. Good luck and god bless!

  6. Jose’s Iberian DNA results likely indicate that he is a descendant of Sephardim.

    As far as Children of Keturah are concerned, let’s just say they are of east asian extraction, emphasis on the compulsory practice of male circumcision, which is Abrahamic in origin.

    P.S. Yinnon is another name for the Jewish Messiah:

  7. His DNA is indicative of the Kushites. See this:

  8. A great article indeed. I am a Gurjar from India and Kushan is a subcaste among Gurjars which hsitorians have also attested. Kushans ruled between 100 BC to 400AD and all further ruling clans in entire indian subcontinent descended from those Kushans only.

    Though there are called Yuezhis by many scholars but there definite connection with Yuezhi was unknown as the Yuezhi descended from the Lunar race (chnadrvamsi lineage) while the Kushans were sun worshippers and their coins consistently held the name of Nannia or NaNa God/ Godess as their supreme diety which establishes there direct connection to the Kushites (both ruled contemporararily)

    The existence of Silk route from Korea to Egypt and Mummifying theor royal dead (and making pyramids sometime), as found in Tarim basin, western china makes it simpler to understand that how the rulers/traders existed at such distant locations in short spans.

    It is generally believed that the Gurjars originated somewhere near Caspian Sea (Gurjiya or the land of Gurjars is the actual name of Georgia prior to christinisation).

    They ruled in Persia, Armenia, Central Asia, india and Korea under various dynasties before finally settling and retiring to the Indian subcontinent where they are around 50 million roughly. Population of other areas were assimilated and converted by islamic invaders, though we found many traces of the name Gurjar in the areas in question.

    To conlude: the migration of Gurjars took place between 5000 BC to 500 AD and the route was generally toward western europe and India. Their migration might be connected to the migration of their language Sanskrit which they took with them to Europe and all over Asia.

    My suggestion: the theory of Abraham's connection to Kush is true but all these incidents took place somewhere in Central Asia or Persia (before the recent ice age) rather then present Day's egypt. The places were named and renamed by the ruling classes and considering the present boundaries of modern world would only lead to misinterpreatations.
    Ashok Harsana Gurjar

  9. Thank you, Ashok. This is good information!

    Go here to see a photo of the Kushites of Mindanao.

  10. any one can tell me whats the connection between jat and gurjar community

  11. Azran, the Jats and Gurjjars appear to have a common ancestry. See this:

    1. Hello Dear, A Linsley, I live in pakhtoon area of Pakistan. There are millions of gujjars in Afghanistan and Khyber pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, I think they are close to pakhtoons in their DNA but am not sure.
      My question is what is the connection between afghans/ pakhtoons and Gujjars. Thank you

  12. Hey Alice, you should try to read my book: Forbearers of the Aryan Legacy: The Gurjars

    It’s explains why we have white and black races. What was the scientific explanation of the great flood and how the Aryan dynasties formed all the present day religion.

    You will be amazed to see that Jesus Christ, Mohammad and even Rama all belonged to almost one single family of Yudheyas (Judeons).

  13. Muhammad, here are a few studies that you might find interesting:

  14. I read it twice or thrice. I'm belong to gujjar community. I don't know what is our origin, this thing demolish me. There is no authentic history in India about our community. Our community with Muslim fought against British 1857, so British declared it criminal caste. So in India all other community trying to bypass gujjar through all possible means. I did a lot of study about it. There is a lot of places name after gujjar in Iran , Uzbekistan,there a a lot of people named after gujjar in Spain. If possible please if can guide us to find our origin it's will be very informative and good things for our community. Please tell me about it. God bless you.

  15. Long before the nations of India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria arose, there was a very important caste of metalworkers called the "Gurguri" in Ancient Akkadian, the oldest known Semitic language. The word refers to copper smiths. Today, there are variant spellings of the word: Gurjjar, Gurghar, and Gurjar.

    Because of their great skill, they were dispersed widely in the ancient world, mainly in service to kings and regional chiefs. They kept their metal work secret which protected their identity and maintain the wealth within the caste. However, in many places the kings subjugated them in order to keep the metal workers inn their service. That is how a once high caste became a low caste. The same thing happened to the Sarki in Nepal.

    May God bless you too!

    1. Are they were the branch of Jew or Abrahamic or Aryan. It's a proof through oral tradition that they used to do festival regarding Bread or Holy Bread. I am going to tell you a oral story about our clan destruction.The origin of castes occurred later, while the gotras existed from the beginning. As far as I understand, our ancestors have been living in this region for about a thousand years. It was like a kingdom of our ancestors, and the entire area belonged to our gotra. Our ancestors' belief system at that time was different from today's Hinduism.

      There were five villages called Mehluon, governed democratically, similar to a modern commune. If we study this system, we find it is not present in Hinduism. Some say its origin is in Judaism.

      At one point, a king wanted to marry a woman from this region, but they refused. The king's arrogance led him to attack with his army, but our ancestors defeated him multiple times. So, the king resorted to a deceitful plan. He was informed about their belief system, especially their practice of not shedding blood while eating together during their sacred occasions.

      On one such sacred occasion, the king attacked and killed everyone present, sparing only those who were outside the village. This story is known through oral tradition.

      This kind of tradition is not found in Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, or Islam. It is associated with Judaism, where bread holds great sanctity as it was provided by God.

      In Judaism, there is a festival of bread called Shabbat, which they celebrate with great sanctity. This indicates a connection between our ancestors and Judaism. Archaeological findings of burial sites also suggest a relationship with a burial-centric religion.

      While there is limited evidence other than the bones, and not everyone may accept this idea, it remains a possibility based on oral traditions.

  16. Caesar, Gurjar, Gujjar, Kaiser, Czar, Tzar, Gozar, Guijer are the titles adopted by those who established empires all over the world.
