
Monday, May 10, 2021

The Faith of the Early Hebrew Delivered to Us


Alice C. Linsley

This green malachite stone, a gift from the Egyptian king with whom the Hittites signed a treaty in 1258 BC, was at the center of a shrine in the Hittite capital of Hattusa (in Çorum Province in Turkey). Green malachite represented new life and the hope of resurrection among the Horite Hebrew devotees of God Father and God Son. The land of the blessed dead was described as the "field of malachite."

Green stones were associated with Horus or HR in ancient Egyptian, meaning Most High One. The Book of the Dead speaks of how the deceased will become a falcon "whose wings are of green stone" (chapter 77). The Eye of Horus amulet was made of green stone. The Pyramid Texts (ca. 2400 BC) speak of Horus as the "Lord of the green stone" (Utterance 301).

The oldest known site of Horite Hebrew worship is Nekhen on the Nile (4000 BC). It was at a high elevation (mound) to protect it from the annual floods. The Horite Hebrew were very familiar with floods.

The flood that Noah experienced in Central Africa (ca. 4000 BC) was remembered by his children Ham, Shem, and Japheth, and their descendants: Cush, Nimrod, Peleg, Terah, Abraham (ca. 2100 BC).... long before the time of Moses (ca. 1500 BC).

All these men are members of the same Horite Hebrew ruler-priest caste, as has been demonstrated by analysis of their distinctive kinship pattern. That's science!

This suggests that all the narratives in Genesis 1-12 come from the same people group, and that these details are part of a received tradition extending back at least 6000 years.

After 40 years of methodical research, God-dropped hints, the right people crossing my path at the right moment, countless pages of reading and note taking, 13 years of blogging, public speaking, etc... I have scratched the surface of what the Bible has to tell us about Jesus Messiah, the Son of God, whose expectant ancestors were justified because they believed in Him before the Incarnation. His identity was confirmed by His resurrection which they had hoped to see.


DDeden said...

I'm wondering what you think of this cite, especially wrt Terru of Urkesh (Terah?) being important but not a king, perhaps of the ruler-priest caste?

Alice C. Linsley said...

Thank you for the link. Here is whay I think about the article.

Terah is a title that was found with many individuals among the early Hebrew. It means "priest."

Also there were many places called Ur. Ur refers to a fortified settlement which usually had a royal temple complex where priests served.

Abraham's father was a Hebrew priest, as were his ancestors Nahor the Elder, Serug, Reu, Peleg and his brother Joktan, Eber, Selah, Arpacshad, Nimrod, Kush, Ham and his brother Shem, and Noah. Nimrod moved out of Kush (the Nile Valley) to establish a territory in Mesopotamia and Terah was a ruler-priest in part of that terriotry. Terah's part extended between a place called Ur (south of Haran) to Haran.

Terah died in Haran. Upon Terah's death, his oldest living son Nahor the Elder ruled in his place. Abraham's older brother is named Nahor after his maternal grandfather. Nahor the Younger ruled over Terah's territory, and Abraham was a sent-away son. That is what took Abraham to the land of Canaan where he eventually became estbalished as a ruler over his own terriotry which extended on a north-south axis between Hebron and Beersheba.